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This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Unread postby Erica » Thu Sep 18, 2003 9:51 am

If just pole vaulting was the best way to become a better pole vaulter, why are the elite vaulters not vaulting every single day? (with the exception of Lobinger, who tends to be a little extreme ;)

If I had the option of training harder in the fall and not needing to improve my strength and speed in the spring while I am competing, why would I choose to spread my improvement in stength and speed throughout the year?...I would be weaker and slower entering the competitive season, and would have to continue having harder workouts to "catch up" so I would never be vaulting as fresh.

If I can work on improving something basic off the runway, why would I choose to attempt to learn it on the runway when I then have to make a complete vault? Wouldn't it be better to learn something first and practice it and get confident with it before I attemt to apply it?

If my problem with my run is posture, do I have to be doing pole runs or vaulting to practice this? Or do I need to start with changing my posture when I am jogging, doing sprint drills, hurdle mobility, 150's or whatever else my workouts entail?

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Unread postby Erica » Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:04 am

I am not neccessarily saying you are wrong, Kris, because there are always exceptions to the rules, but if you don't think pole runs or base training are important, maybe you are not approaching them with vaulting in mind.

When I do pole runs, I don't just run with the pole... I get in the mindset that I am on the runway and am trying to clear a bar. When I started thinking like this, it had a huge impact on my pole runs and the effectiveness of them. When I am training, I think about doing EVERYTHING posturally correct. When I get on the runway, good posture is such a habit I dont ever have to think about it.

Just because you are not vaulting doesn't mean you are not working on technique. You should always be working on technique with everything you do. If the only time you think about being technically correct is when you are vaulting, you are making vaulting harder on yourself than it needs to be. It is easier to learn to run and jump correctly without the pole, then intergrate vaulting into what you have learned to do, then to try to learn to run and jump while carrying a pole.

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Unread postby lonestar » Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:20 am

Good points Erica - let me clarify as I was working off about 5 hours of sleep in the last 3 days when I wrote that.

On base training and periodization - I agree with with the concept, but see a lot of coaches not working on speed enough in the fall. Too many coaches overloading on weights, doing long intervals, even distance running. Law of specificity applies here. You need to run fast for 30-40 meters, not 400. You need to be able plant high explosively and forcefully over your head, not slowly bench press 400lbs. Strength and speed are very important, I just feel too many coaches focus solely on that during the base training or conditioning cycle when technique should still have a focus.

As for learning technique, I'm all for drills. In fact, that was all we used to do in my club. Working with Earl though has shown me that you don't have to isolate so much and you can apply new ideas and hit new positions while vaulting. Sometimes it is easier to break something down off the runway and I agree that one should always get in the mindset of vaulting when doing pole runs or whatever simulation they're practicing. I just think you can overdrill and underjump, that's all.
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Unread postby Erica » Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:44 am

I agree with you now. I forget how many coaches train for training sake and not pole vaulting in the fall.

As a side note, sleep is also very important for effective training... :D

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Unread postby lonestar » Thu Sep 18, 2003 10:52 am

Erica wrote:I agree with you now. I forget how many coaches train for training sake and not pole vaulting in the fall.

As a side note, sleep is also very important for effective training... :D

Good point! Glad I don't train any more! ;)
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut

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