First Picture
I obviously do not have a free takeoff and i am taking off under, but i've seen people clear much higher than i do, with worse takeoffs. My bottom arm is bent, but there's still pressure behind it. My drive knee is down, which sucks. But since this jump, i've been working extensively with the mid mark chart and my takeoff, and its gotten MUCH better.
Second Picture
bottom arm still bent, but not an awful position overall, i think. One thing i notice is that bubka's inverted "C" is smooth from top hand to toe, whereas mine is "disrupted" at my shoulder... probably because his chest is driven farther forward. i think this comes into play in the latter stages of my vault.
Third Picture
Pendulum... my drive knee is dropping unfortunately... and again with my shoulder... the straight line from top hand to toe is broken at my shoulder. Is this caused by a rowing motion?
Fourth Picture
In this frame, i captured the moment that the hips and shoulders form a line parallel with the runway. I don't notice much difference in our shoulders here, but his legs are much more tucked than mine, his trail leg is still straight, his drive knee is more driven. His ankles are so much closer to his top hand than mine are.
Fifth Picture
this is where my shoulders really trouble me. I paused here, where the knees are parallel with the top hand. If you drew a line from his top hand to his shoulder, it would almost point down at the plant box. If you drew that same line for me, it points back almost from where i take off. what is causing this? rowing?
Sixth Picture
Extension. Bubka is still moving to a vertical and the line from his top arm to shoulder is still pointing almost straight down. In my vault, i've stopped moving towards the vertical and am vaulting outwards more than 20 degreees from a vertical line. The line drawn from my top hand to my shoulder is pointing still out towards the runway. Dangit.
Final Picture
End result? Bubka is a bad mammajamma and i smash into a bungee. Epic Fail.