"he refers me to a page i don't have access to or ignores the question."
1. I have tried hard to get you to read 243 but it seems that you are determined to avoid doing that.
2, I have indicated that I have detailed my views on the free take off and pre jump on that page and do not intend to write them again here.
3. i have repeatedly made it clear that Petrov never used the term pre jump and that this was my own interpretation of what he told me and what Bubka confirmed in Jamaica. I actually used the word extrapolation.
4. Yes Efim introduced me to Petrov in Canberra - but and this is just another of those small facts you dont know - one of my athletes Serge Ambrose - who spoke fluent Russian - his name was originally Ambrosovich - actually stayed in my room at the AIS and acted as my interpreter for the period of the games. As I indicated in BTB1 if I remember correctly Vitali drew me diagrams on the back of an envelope.
which gave me orginal ideas and lead to an article published in MAC in 89. Unfortunately I never kept those diagrams.. Also as a national event coach who spoke Russian, Efim had plenty on his plate without being a nursemaid for me.
5. Yes the idea of a pre jump has always seemed ridiculous - that is why I asked Bubka the question i did in Jamaica- as detailed in P243.
6. The book is over 300 pages of which only a couple mention the pre jump.
7. You must be getting pretty desperate if you have called Efim - and I begin to wonder about your motivation in all of this? Indeed it seems so irrational that I intend to let you go on hurling abuse without any response - because clearly nothing I can say will change your mind or stop the abuse - which seems to be escalating. But do try to read chapter 26. Whether you agree with my opinions or not you can hardly claim I am unwilling to put them forward.
8. Let me know when you post your manifesto - then I will know what YOU actually believe. it is always easier to destroy than to construct - so try your hand at the latter for a change.
9. Just watch the blood pressure.
Its what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden