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Peg Length

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 3:59 pm
by Decamouse
Guys & Gals - tough - live with it- not the exact words - IAAF Council "agreed that no changes were necessary, despite compliants from a group of elite athletes." - looks like it is here to stay - vault high everyone - :yes:

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 5:10 pm
by OAKPV2004
It really doesnt bother me. The pegs are shorter, no big deal. The only concern is the records that were on the old pegs.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 5:13 pm
by zack
What I would like to know is what is their rationale for this rule? I don't think anyone knows why this rule was put in place in the first place? I can accept it but I'd like to know why.

the World record cannot be beat with a maybe jump

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 5:46 pm
by Bruce Caldwell
The World record cannot be beaten with a maybe vault it has to be a clean jump the motion on the table came from the committee headed by Bubka. He has his reasons mostly to keep the event clean and without volzing and “maybeâ€Â

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 7:18 pm
by zack
At least our pegs don't look like the pegs on HJ standards. :eek: Oops, probably shouldn't give them any ideas.

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 7:26 pm
by das_1971
I bet if we went back to long bars and metal triangle bars then no one would have to worry about the pegs!!! j/k

Posted: Tue May 13, 2003 10:19 pm
by theflyingkorean
Our school still has two fo those long metal triangle bars :dazed:

Posted: Wed May 14, 2003 10:59 pm
by OUvaulterUSAF