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Hooray for PVJunkie

Posted: Fri May 09, 2003 7:28 am
by jmayesvaultmom
I want to thank PVJunkie for all his help with pole selection for Jodie! I have learned SOOO much from him during the process. As Jeff Hartwig also advised Jodie, we don't look at the weight rating on the pole...we order by the flex of the pole. Now Jodie has a great series of Pacer Mystic Carbon poles that are all spaced out perfectly by FLEX!!! It makes her transition from pole to pole very methodical because she always knows how much more it takes to get to the next pole and that it won't be a pole that is "hard to get on"....she knows what to anticipate! And this has all been done by phone! We have a "system" down pat. Again, thanks Brian and Gill Athletics! :yes: