Your Enemy the Vaulting BOX

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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Bruce Caldwell
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Your Enemy the Vaulting BOX

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Sat Apr 26, 2003 11:44 am

Your Enemy the Vaulting BOX :mad:
Have you ever vaulted on the perfect pole in practice and gone to a meet and you could not get on that pole at all it was very stiff? :o

OR vice-a-versa you go to a meet and even though you have a bit more adrenaline you really mush out your poles that fit you in practice?

You scratch your head,
You wonder,
You are baffled.

Here is one possible answer that very few consider! :idea:
When vaulting boxes are installed they are done so properly and to the correct height required.
Over the years the runways have improved;
By adding asphalt to the existing surface and then at a later date add a rubberized surface
[size=150]the box is now another ½â€Â
I love the PV, it is in my DNA

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Unread postby BrandoAZ » Sat Apr 26, 2003 3:00 pm

Wow. Quite interesting.......

I didnt realize it was that improtant. My big problems are standards in our high schools rarly are well marked and the ones that are tend to be different! :(

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