What should I do?
Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2003 8:51 pm
Hey I have a huge question! I am on a 14' 155 lb pole and I just presently vaulted 14'3 the other day and I was blowing through it. I need to move up to another pole but here is the question I only weigh 110 lbs and I can either move up to a 15' 140 lb pole or i can move up to a 14' 160 lb pole.... I am struggling with the 15' 140 lb pole i can't get in on it holding at the same spot. So should I special order a 15' 135 or what should I do? Sorry It is really complex cause I am jumping 45 lbs above my weight right now and I don't think it would be wise to get on a 14' 160 and be jumping 50 lbs above my wieght! UCS don't makes 14'6 so that sucks so what should I do?