new pole

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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new pole

Unread postby dguier » Mon Mar 24, 2003 9:21 pm

i have a question on poles. I just moved up to a 160lb 14' catapole, and now i am blowing through it. I keep trying to get on a 14'6 160 skypole, but it is brand new and i cant get on it. Should i move my step back to a 16(im at a 14 right now), or should i try to get on a 165 14' skypole that is broken in? I think i am closer to getting on the 165, but i one took 1 jump before i had to stop. what should i do?

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Unread postby Oldcoach » Mon Mar 24, 2003 10:40 pm

Roughly, the equivalent stiffness pole to your 14-160 is a 14'6"- 150. So you are try to jump 2 poles up with the 14'6"-160. The 14-165 is equivalent to a 14'6"-155 so it is only a jump of 1 pole size. I would go for the 14-165 first. Adjust your run if you think it will help your speed at the box- sometimes guys slow down from a longer run.

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Bruce Caldwell
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Location: DFW TEXAS

[size=18]good call I agree "Go for the power before the

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Mon Mar 24, 2003 11:36 pm

Oldcoach wrote:Roughly, the equivalent stiffness pole to your 14-160 is a 14'6"- 150. So you are try to jump 2 poles up with the 14'6"-160. The 14-165 is equivalent to a 14'6"-155 so it is only a jump of 1 pole size. I would go for the 14-165 first. Adjust your run if you think it will help your speed at the box- sometimes guys slow down from a longer run.

This is a good call, I agree to try the stiffer shorter pole and then you might be on the longer one later.


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