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Which is the better helmet?

Posted: Wed Mar 28, 2012 11:44 pm
by kabagymnast19
So I know this is a controversial topic, but I need to buy a helmet for pole vaulting as it is required in my state. Besides, I am tired of using the gross helmets that our school provides us. I have narrowed it down to two possible helmets. The Triple Eight Brainsaver Glossy Helmet With Sweatsaver Liner in Purple or the Protec A-Classic in Punk Pink. Which brand is better? Please give the pros and cons of each. And, yes. It does have to be either purple or pink (my decision- they are my two favorite colors). If you think that there is a better brand that is still reasonably affordable that comes in purple and/or pink let me know (still have to back it up as to why it would be better though). Thanks.