15 foot pole.
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- OAKPV2004
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15 foot pole.
How many people have jumped 17'+ on a 15' pole? Who was it, and how high did they go?
- lonestar
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swtvault wrote:Is that your plan? Go fer it. If you can handle it, it would be much easier to take the same grip on a 16' pole though! If you cant do it, then switch to righty and I bet you could!
I disagree, Fairbanksakov!!! I think you can get more out of a 15' pole holding 15' than out of a 16' pole holding 15'! Grip range, baby, grip range! Poles are designed to be capped! I do agree on the righty part though! Lefties are cursed, unless you're Simon Arkell!
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut
- Bruce Caldwell
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check these 15' pole jumps out at 16'5"
here is a couple of great jumps on a 15' pole.
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clearing high and gripping low is great but to realize your potential you should try to clear high gripping high. you dont win competitions by virtue of having the biggest pushoff. its tough to beat a guy who is jumping on bigger sticks than everyone else.
of course, you need to be ready for the transition to larger poles but if you have the ability to safely grip high on big sticks, why not go for it?
of course, you need to be ready for the transition to larger poles but if you have the ability to safely grip high on big sticks, why not go for it?
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We dont need to go over THIS topic again............do we. YES, grip as high as you can on as big a pole as you can, DO NOT overgrip, it will only cause problems. If gripping higher gets you the same results or you have to go to a smaller pole and bend the snot out of it, whats the point. I have beat tons of people gripping a foot or higher than I do, SO if its about winning I say again.........LEARN TO JUMP HIGH NOT JUST GRIP HIGH.
- OAKPV2004
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The reason I ask is because I intend to try and jump 17' on a 15' next year, but, it is only because I have been on 15' poles before and I think I should just try and get on the stiffest 15' I can. hopefully about a 185- 190 (I weight a measly 140). Im not saying I wouldnt go up to a longer pole if could, but stiffer poles have worked better for me in the past.
Duck, work your way up the 15's the way you have been jumping and with your age and development I believe you can jump 17 on your 15's. You have improved so much in just a few years, stay with what is working for you, the big poles will come as you mature as a vaulter and athlete. I believe you can do it, don't limit yourself by thinking you have to grip high to jump high, you have become a pole vaulter in the last few years. I'm rooting for you Duck, I'd place a bet in Reno right now, that you can clear 17 on a 15, matter of fact, I bet I see you do it in Reno.
compete and jump safe, have fun
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The only benefit you may get from a longer pole is the larger sail. If you grip the same ht (or slightly higher) you may time up to the longer pole better. Of couse if your jumping (timing up) well on 15 footers your idea is not a bad one. If when you get to the 185 190 and you are no longer getting "normal" bend (you are not bending the pole much) then it may be time to raise your grip. Typically vaulting on a pole 15 - 20 lbs over your wt and gripping near the max on the pole and getting good depth in your jump is a sign that its time to raise your grip. Apply that to most jumpers only concerned with grip ht and you will find very few of them are on poles 15 - 20 lbs over their wt. In order for them to "overgrip" they must also "overbend" the pole and there are basically only 2 ways to overbend a pole.........poor technique or a soft pole. My last 17 foot jump came on a 15 foot pole gripping 14'5" and I am NOT a poster child for perfect technique. Consult your coach with your plans (or at least a coach thats seen you jump several times who knows what their talking about) and see what they think.
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