Poles bigger than u can jump on...

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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Unread postby vaultin chris » Wed Mar 12, 2003 2:20 pm

I'm 5'10'' 135 pounds on my big days. Just can't seem to gain weight.

smokinvaulter1, i feel ur pain man, i was 130 for about 3 years i just now start putting on weight this year. I eat like 7 meals a day and try to get at least 3500 calories a day. i'm up to about 140 currently.
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Unread postby swtvault » Wed Mar 12, 2003 4:52 pm

The biggest pole I ever jumped on was a 4.90 13.8 (205) I Weighed about 185. I have also jumped on a 5m 14.0 earlier this year which I think is bigger than the 13.8. I now weigh 190 and it is a 205. Last year I jumped my SB (5.45) on 4.9 15.4 when I weighed 190. Just too hurt to move big sticks I guess.
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Unread postby smokinvaulter1 » Wed Mar 12, 2003 7:54 pm

Hey Geoff did your hear about Buster, I was at that meet, not a good deal thanks god for the helmet I hate seeing good vaulters have acccident specially this is his Sr year, well hope to see you at outdoors.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Mar 12, 2003 9:58 pm

smokinvaulter1 wrote:Hey Geoff did your hear about Buster, I was at that meet, not a good deal thanks god for the helmet I hate seeing good vaulters have acccident specially this is his Sr year, well hope to see you at outdoors.

What happened?

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Unread postby swtvault » Wed Mar 12, 2003 10:34 pm

I dont know for sure....I wasnt there. I heard from a few people that were there, and I would prefer not to voice my opinion on the matter. All that I will say is it probably should not have happened. Hull....you wanna give us your story?
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Unread postby smokinvaulter1 » Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:07 am

He took off lil under on a big pole and it pulled him to the left side of the pole when he wentrebend the pole to ride it in it popped out of the box and Buster freaked and let go right over the box he landed flat on his face in the box his helmet hit and he put his hand down to stop it and shattered his wrist. I though it was going to be worse. but he kept saying get me out of the box so the other guys can jump. Hes a trooper they took him to the hospital and he returned before the meet finished. He told Coach Hood that his head did hurt but the helmet saved him. Hey i'm coming down to lubbuck to train with coach hood this summer. talk to you guys later.

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Unread postby theflyingkorean » Thu Mar 13, 2003 12:46 am

That's awful. I hope he recovers as soon as possible. I was never a big fan of helmets (only been vaulting 9 months), but after that incident, it seems a lot more realistic. However, I'm only getting 11' 6" and using a 13' pole, so I don't know if a helmet would make that big/little of a difference at those heights.

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Unread postby vaultguru6 » Thu Mar 13, 2003 1:02 pm

thats pretty damn scary....especially because it happened to someone so experienced like him. you don't expect those things to happen to people who know what they're doing.....

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Unread postby swtvault » Thu Mar 13, 2003 5:41 pm

jump high is the name of the game - not how big a pole you are on - just my thoughts -

my thought also! I have had alot of meets/training sessions where I have surprised myself on small poles. In practice last year I made 5.50 on all the poles in my bag but one! Just because you are not on your biggest pole doesnt mean you still cant have a kickass day! Thanks for the story Hull. That is what I heard too with the exeption of a few details. Too bad man....I jumped with that guy for four years. Big time bummer.
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big sticks

Unread postby gatorhatincracker » Sat Mar 15, 2003 2:01 pm

i weighed 168 my JR year and jumped on a 16.3 spirit. its an older model, and had a listed weight of 195.

my teamate chris steddum has jumped on 16.8 and the 16.3. (190,195 respectively) as well, but the true SHOUT OUT goes to Greg "the Pear" Royster...who weighs 195, and jumps 5.00 on a 5m pole. sadly, his poles were 185-195 spirits.

hope to hear from the palmetto pear soon!
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Unread postby pvpaul7 » Sun Mar 16, 2003 10:55 pm

well poles you jump on doesnt exactly equal that you will jump high. We had a guy here a few years ago that would jump 16 or 16' 6" on 5.10 length poles. thier flexes were 13.4 to 16.3 respectively. but we also had a guy that could jump on a 16 foot pole but his pr in practice was a 13'6" bar. but my five left run recently i cleared a 5.20 bar on a 15' 195 pole, weighin around 185 to 190. from six lefts, i left up a 5.35 bar,also nearly leaving up a 5.40 bar, grippin 15' 3" on a cut 16' 16.3 (stiff 190) but i have no problem jumping on 5 meter poles from that run, but have yet to pick up the timing. but from 8 lefts, i will jump on a 5 meter 15.0 at meets, with my current meet pr at 5.40. and i know that brian's pr's are the same, bet he jumped on a cut 16 footer from five lefts. The moral of the story, in my perspective and limited experience, is that how efficient you can be with a pole (how much energy is wasted on horizontal loss and not given to the vaulter vertically), depicts on how high you can possibly jump. :idea:

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