Chalk , or sticky?

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:09 am

pvjackex wrote:i dont like the sticky crap. i dont like the cheap tape that gets sticky.

Oh I looooove the cheap tape!!! :heart: I took an athletic training class, and we got rolls and rolls and rolls of the cheap stuff! It was awesome. I have not had to buy any tape this summer.

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Unread postby theflyingkorean » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:37 am

its cool when you flip the tape right at the very beginning so you get the sticky part of the tape as your grip :) although you have to get it VERY tightly wrapped and it tends to rip after about 2-3 meets

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Jul 24, 2003 2:41 am

theflyingkorean wrote:its cool when you flip the tape right at the very beginning so you get the sticky part of the tape as your grip :) although you have to get it VERY tightly wrapped and it tends to rip after about 2-3 meets

DJ Brown (NinjaVaulter on here) used some tape like that at the state meet... didn't anchor it enough and the whole roll just slid right down the pole! :eek: He still has a perfectly wrapped layer of tape... that is not attached to the pole!

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Unread postby frozensteele » Thu Jul 24, 2003 5:24 pm

Neither. My forearms are strong from football. (my coach was a nut who made us do forearm work outs constantly!) Chalk just makes me feel uncomfortable and sticky is a nuisance!

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Unread postby KYLE ELLIS » Thu Jul 24, 2003 11:38 pm

frozensteele wrote:Neither. My forearms are strong from football. (my coach was a nut who made us do forearm work outs constantly!) Chalk just makes me feel uncomfortable and sticky is a nuisance!

Hey frozensteel, how big is the pole u use? I can jump on a 14 , 180 (4 lefts) with no tape on the pole without chalk or stickem. But once u get on a big old pole u need something I promise ;) !
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Unread postby Barto » Fri Jul 25, 2003 8:44 am

Galfione often uses neither chalk or sticky.

He has got to be the "bareback" world record holder

...unless that title is still held by Wilt Chamberlin.


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Unread postby PVJunkie » Fri Jul 25, 2003 10:17 am

That was bad...................REAL BAD..............true, but still REAL BAD.

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Unread postby lonestar » Fri Jul 25, 2003 6:34 pm

Ajint_Smith wrote:Does anyone else find that the flex is weird when you plant when using sticky? I can't say i've actually used it, though. My only experience was some really crappy tape the got the sticky part on the outside, but it gripped really tight. When I'd plant on a 13'6 190, it always felt likethe bend didn't go straight into the pit. Anyone else have this prob?

Chances are, when you plant the pole it turns slightly in your bottom or top hand without sticky. If using sticky though, the pole won't turn so your body compensates by turning the wrist(s) slightly and makes the soft side of the pole slightly off center, thus causing it to bend to one direction or another off-center. Seen it happen a few times.

Skyin' Brian wrote:magnesium carbonate is where it is at. powdered confidence. tuff skin seems to be more oldschool. i prefer the chalk much more, but you should use whatever makes you feel better. chalk is much better in the rain, however, and coming from a gymnastics background also leads me to like chalk.

When I tried to use chalk in the rain, it just became "a gelatinous substance" (according to swtvault). I prefer lighter fluid and Firm Grip in the rain, but chalk the rest of the time.

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Unread postby theflyingkorean » Sat Jul 26, 2003 2:38 am

hiya! :eek: i learned not to use it anymore, i just go with spit rubbed into the tape to bring the sticky out :)

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taping the pole

Unread postby Kirk » Wed Jul 30, 2003 4:24 pm

theflyingkorean wrote:its cool when you flip the tape right at the very beginning so you get the sticky part of the tape as your grip :) although you have to get it VERY tightly wrapped and it tends to rip after about 2-3 meets

Try "thatching" your tape. (Caution: multiple layers of tape may not be legal in some states. Void where prohibited by law.)

Use half the normal width of trainer's tape for the first 2 layers. First layer is sticky side down, with gaps about the same width as the applied tape. Second layer is also sticky side down, but in the opposite direction to the first layer, so that it looks "thatched". Third layer is full width of trainer's tape, slightly overlapped. Start third layer as you say ("flip the tape right at the very beginning"). This will last the whole season (give or take), because the first 2 layers provide ridges for the third layer, so it won't slide on takeoff.

Third layer is rolled out from top to bottom, so that edges don't curl on takeoff. (I used to think that bottom to top was better, to give extra ridges for your hand to grip, but that was folly thinking. If the tape is wrapped tightly, your hand will have plenty of grip with just the natural stickiness of the tape.) If/when stickiness wears off, use tree sap (available in a tin).

No need for chalk (which would negate the sticky tape) or sprays. Actually, sprays are very bad for your skin. They contain alcohol, so they'll dry out your hand, causing blisters. I'm surprised that some vaulters still use sprays. Maybe they like breathing the fumes. :)

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Unread postby swtvault » Wed Jul 30, 2003 5:20 pm

I tried using 3mm Super 77 for a little while this year. When I planted the pole, the s*** literally ripped the skin right off the palm of my hand. I had a big rasberry the size of a half dollar. Not cool.
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Unread postby Aviendha » Wed Jul 30, 2003 7:42 pm

another way to kind of "anchor" reversed tape is to tape just once around the pole sticky side down, leaving the end free, then attach another piece to that end with the sticky sides meeting, and continue to wrap the pole sticky side up. then do the same thing at the bottom/ top, whichever way you wrap it.

...i think that makes sense...that was awkward to
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