NO Matts!

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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Unread postby VaultFreak » Sat Oct 19, 2002 4:45 pm

Is there another school you could practice at? There are quite a few pretty rich schools out here that don't have pits, but they commute to another school for practice, well good luck. Winter track? I wish. I am so ready!!
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Re: No Mats

Unread postby jmayesvaultmom » Mon Oct 21, 2002 2:43 pm

Send your athletic director emails with all the new safety stuff about mat size by email. Also maybe your school board. Also, I heard someone talking about that girls in Iowa should bring in the fact of Title IX....not getting a chance to vault and have a chance to be in the running for college scholarships. I don't know if not having the equipment to vault falls into that category, but.... :idea:

About going somewhere to daughter's high school now has no PV coach, but olympic size pits....and they buy 6 poles per year. But I am going to have to drive her to Tulsa, Ok which is 2 hrs from here every Wednesday night and back to be able to work with a good quality PV coach. I also drive her to work with other good quality coaches as far as 10 hours away....we just don't get to do that very often. But good coaching pays has for her! So it is worth your time to commute if possible. :idea:

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Unread postby VaultFreak » Tue Oct 22, 2002 12:30 am

Wow, that's great! I was talking no more than half an hour.. :o
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Unread postby PvaultinGirl » Fri Oct 25, 2002 6:32 pm

hey lavasteal, any new on the mat thing? i feel like ya left me hangin here. my coach said he can't do anything and my other coach said he would bring up the subject at the next meeting or something like that. not much help from anyone over here. :( I don't know what to do and this is killing me!!!!!! i was just mailed all dates, fees and registration info. on pv. camp yesterday from jim keys( up at GMU) so if you want all the info tell me and i will send it to ya( he asked me to spread the word about camps). :star: any more suggestions are appreciated guys
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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Fri Oct 25, 2002 7:13 pm

You should make a new post about the camp stuff in the news and announcements forum :)

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Unread postby PvaultinGirl » Fri Oct 25, 2002 7:17 pm

ok. I think i will. he did ask me to spread the word.... :)
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