Wacky Pole Series

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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Wacky Pole Series

Unread postby bjvando » Thu May 08, 2003 1:03 pm

What is the wackiest pole series anyone has ever jumped on??
ie. A series of FIVE poles, all being from a different manufacturer. In High school i was on a 15 160 Maxima, 15'6" 170 carbon cata-pole, 15 175 spirit, and 15'3"175 Altius. That was my usual series that i progressed through at meets. Im curious if anyone has anything more wierd than that. Fly High....
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let me guess here OK

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Thu May 08, 2003 1:10 pm

bjvando wrote:What is the wackiest pole series anyone has ever jumped on??
ie. A series of FIVE poles, all being from a different manufacturer. In High school i was on a 15 160 Maxima, 15'6" 170 carbon cata-pole, 15 175 spirit, and 15'3"175 Altius. That was my usual series that i progressed through at meets. Im curious if anyone has anything more wierd than that. Fly High....

Let me take a stab at this:
15 160 Maxima you opened with it was the lightest. Warm-up pole
Then you moved to the 15'3" 175 Altius your progression pole and then to the 15' 175 Spirit your money pole and then you had the 15'6" 170 carbon cata-pole as your adrenaline pole
Was I close?
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Unread postby keelowman » Thu May 08, 2003 3:59 pm

when I first started my pole progression was:
14' 155 UCS
13' 170 big stick (stiff)
15' 160 AMF pacer III
15' 165 UCS
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Unread postby lonestar » Thu May 08, 2003 4:07 pm

Used to be:
14'6 170 Maxima
15' 160 Pacer III
15' 165 Pacer III
15' 170 Spirit
15' 175 Pacer Carbon

And now:

14' 175 Altius
14' 175 Spirit
14' 180 Altius
15' 165 Pacer III
14'9 170 Spirit
15' 170 Spirit
Broken 15' 175 Pacer Carbon
15' 180 CarbonFX

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