which poles are the best ??? ucs , pacer or even essx? help?

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the pole of choice?

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Unread postby PVJunkie » Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:08 am

HMMM...............lets see...........personally I have jumped:
18 holding 15'2" on a 16' carbon
17'5" holding 15'5" on a spirit (dont tell my boss, it was b 4 I worked for gill)
Broke EVERY colored glass pole I ever stuck

then I got old...........NOW:

16'5" grippin 14'4" on a skypole
16'10" gripping 14'4" on a pacer FX
17'5" gripping 14'4" on a carbon FX

Most of these were practice jumps, I dont get to compete as much as I like. But thats all about to change............time to jump into the masters comps.

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Unread postby BrandoAZ » Fri Apr 25, 2003 2:03 pm

Wow nice jumping. I hope to be able to get into college vaulting and get that good with a coach!

But as for poles you did re-inforce my point. I'd coose a carbon FX over a skypole. And I was refering to shorter poles.... poles in the same brand at different lengths ARNT created equal.

As for the 13' to 14' poles Id either go with a Pacer or an Essx over Sprit any day. Ill comment on long poles the day I use one 15' or longer. But for now I'd break my neck if I tried :)

It just seems to me that the other kid at my school has tons of potental and has a pole at least 5lbs or more over his weight and he doesnt do well because its so soft. I am also not sure about how they change in the weight classes. As a person in the upper 170's instead of being a nice light 145 I dont know. Most high schoolers Ive vaulted against are lightweights so it might just be Sprits lighter models.

Any opinions on that? It seems like most pro's weigh more like me and most good high schoolers weigh less. You think that in the short run lighter people get it due to soft poles but heavier people end up just being better?

For any readers out of curiosity.. how much do you all weigh?

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Unread postby Fo_Sheezy » Fri Apr 25, 2003 3:03 pm

I hvaen't gotten around with the poles so I can't speak for ALL the poles out there, but of the poles I have jumped with Pacer Mystic is light and gives you a great bend and awesome recoil. I jumped on a catapole my freshman year which I thought SUCKED, then I was on a Skypole my entire sophomore year which I didn't like any better (way too stiff...and heavy!) and over the summer I jumped some on a Big Stick which was light, but stiff as anything. SPIRIT poles come in second for me because they bend nice. Right now I am on a Pacer Mystic pole that I am almost mashing...which is the downside to the Pacers. I have outgrown 2 in the past year, either I am getting better or the poles are getting too soft!
Hey is that a pole in your hand or are you just happy to see me?

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Unread postby Decamouse » Sat Apr 26, 2003 6:47 am

I would assume you are getting better - (Fo) - Brandon - you could line up 13' poles from Gill (Pacer FX, Skypole) Spirit and Essx - all could be the same weight - the flexes could be different - since all three manufacturer's might have slightly different protocal for flexing and measuring that flex - even if they had the same number they could be slightly different - then there is the flex range (what range of flex numbers get grouped to what weight - then there is the pole design itself - sail piece size and orientation, wraps etc. - that is why you may use a heavier rated Essx verus the Spirit for example - once you start looking at carbon - then you have another set of variables - carbon poles will be lighter (actual carry weight) than standard glass poles - Head Houncho at Gill was a 18'5" vaulter - weighed around the 145 - fast - speed is still the biggest factor (also need the technique to handle it) - best technique can not over come the handicap of turtle speed - and not hundred speed but speed at the plant - The bigger guy advantage may be more evident in how the length/carry weight of the pole effects the run -
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Unread postby OAKPV2004 » Sat Apr 26, 2003 9:02 pm

Today was the fist day in a while i have used an ESSX pole, the new labels look good. I have previouly used CarbonFX but FOR ME, the essx poles are much better. I love the bend in them, it fits my timing perfectly. :yes: nice poles.
i think before my days are done.

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Unread postby wacky274 » Sun Apr 27, 2003 2:10 am

Personally i'm a huge fan of spirit poles. I have used them since freshman year, and they have never once failed me. From the ones i have jumped on, switching between poles is really easy, they bend well, and are a smooth pole all together. This is just my opinion, but i strongly stand by my spirits.
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Unread postby BrandoAZ » Sun Apr 27, 2003 1:27 pm

OAKPV2004 wrote:Today was the fist day in a while i have used an ESSX pole, the new labels look good. I have previouly used CarbonFX but FOR ME, the essx poles are much better. I love the bend in them, it fits my timing perfectly. :yes: nice poles.

Cough cough... hellll yeah :) I hope my new labled pole comes in the mail soon :) Im not cool with the old lable grrrrr that and I need the new one for region on thursday :-/ Hope I get used to it! (my pole is currently in departure scan in texas wahhhh I want it now!!!)

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