sorry to bring this up AGAIN....

A forum to discuss everything to do with pole vaulting equipment: poles, pits, spikes, etc.

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sorry to bring this up AGAIN....

Unread postby theflyingkorean » Sat Apr 12, 2003 12:12 am

Okay. My coach has agreed to let me try and move up onto a 14' pole. I weigh 156 lbs. Currently I'm on the 13'-170 UCS. I moved to a 14'-160 UCS, but I kept getting rejected onto the runway. I'm quite fast and have a good plant and pole speed, but once the pole unbends, I just kind of lose momentum and fall straight down. What should my coach and I look for in my vault that may cause problems?


Unread postby zack » Sat Apr 12, 2003 1:07 am

Clarify what you mean by losing momentum and falling straight down. Are you getting good penetration or landing in the box? Make sure your takeoff step is on and you aren't in or outside. You could also be "breaking your arms in" too soon and absorbing all the pole's energy. Also, assuming you were pretty much holding at the top of a 13' and used the SAME grip height on the 14' you should be ok because it would be about the same stiffness.

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Unread postby theflyingkorean » Sat Apr 12, 2003 3:54 pm

my penetration is good. waht i mean by falling straight down is exactally that. i dotn land in the coaching box. i keep coming up short of it, dangerously close to the plant box. at the next practice ill ask my coach to see about the arms thing, that may be a good point.

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Unread postby lope14feet » Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:08 pm

well that would mean your penetration is bad actually

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Unread postby Oldcoach » Sat Apr 12, 2003 7:42 pm

Actually the 14-160 is 2 poles bigger than the 13-170. A 14-150 would be equivalent. Assuming you keep the same grip on the 14 as you have on the 13 you can expect your penetration to shorten up by about 12" when you go up 2 poles.

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Unread postby lope14feet » Sat Apr 12, 2003 9:40 pm

ok maybe you could help me too coach im on a 11'9'' 150 gripping at 11'6'' and getting way to much penetration hitting 10'6'' on the way up with the standards back much farther than i used to jump at what is my problem?

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Unread postby Oldcoach » Sat Apr 12, 2003 10:35 pm

Sounds like your plant/takeoff has improved to the point where the pole speed is too fast to allow you to swing to vertical. If your standards are farther back than 24 in and you are still hitting the bar on the way up, you need a stiffer or longer pole to slow the pole speed down until it matches your swing speed. Use this as rule of thumb- if you go up a pole (5lbs) expect your penetration to decrease by 5-6 inches. Don't go to a longer pole (6 inches longer) until you are on a pole 15 lbs over your weight and jumping with the standards at least 24 in. back. Using this guideline you will always be jumping with your standards between 18 and 30 inches. The other thing is don't bend the pole past 90 deg. If you do go to a stiffer pole or lower your grip on the existing one. PM me if you want to discuss it more.

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