Guess my potential

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Guess my potential

Unread postby EIUvltr » Tue Oct 03, 2006 6:57 pm

Okay, I know this is completely hypothetical, so don't start talking about how much more information is required to figure this out, but just for fun...

How high do you think I could pole vault based off the following info...
Bench Press: 300lbs.
Squat: 360lbs. (to parallel!)
Power Clean: 225 lbs.
30m sprint: 3.97 seconds
Backwards shot throw: 12.48m
Standing long jump: 2.80m (my weak point)
Flying 30m: 3.25 seconds

I'm 5'10", 163lbs., and my current PR is 4.90m on a 15' 16.1, gripping about 14'6"

I guess I'm looking for answers mainly from people who know their own marks in these events, and can make a guess based off of their own PR.

Sorry for the mixture of American and metric measurements.
Last edited by EIUvltr on Fri Oct 06, 2006 5:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Unread postby Barto » Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:09 pm

With those marks your pr should be about 4.90m.

Those marks indicate someone who is very underpowered in the lower body. You should try to improve in the olympic lifts (clean, snatch), standing long jump, and overhead back. Good goals would be to snatch 125% of body weight, clean 175% of body weight, jump over 3m, and throw over 15m. When my athletes have hit those marks good things happened!,

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:30 pm

Maybe build more quickness, it seems that based on your weight compared to the pole you are on, you are muscling yourself over your handhold. Work more plyos, snatch exercises like barto said, to get more drive off the ground.

Your lifts easily overpower mine, but for comparison sake.

Bench Press: 210

Squat: 300

Power Clean: 220

30m sprint: 3.87 sec

Backwards shot throw: never tried, sounds fun though!

Standing long jump: 9-10 feet (2.80 to 3.10)

im 5'9, 147 Ibs, and on a long run i would be jumping on about a 14'3 16.0 gripping 14'.

Kinda cool how based on certain lifts and tests we can determine someones potential, and what they might need to work on. Fun post!
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Unread postby hallvaulter » Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:57 pm

vault3rb0y seems that based on your weight compared to the pole you are on, you are muscling yourself over your handhold.

We havent even seen his jump...this leaves a lot of things unsaid....from this information however you cannot determine if he is muscling over his handhold...

All we clearly know, as Barto that he is somewhat underpowered in the legs.
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Unread postby vaulter870 » Tue Oct 03, 2006 11:37 pm

what about for me what should i be jumping?? i cant right now because of my back but just curious what i could have been jumping before my back was messed up
Bench Press: 325lbs.
Squat: cant do cause of back!!
Power Clean:havent done in a while but was at around 225 for reps
30m fly w/pole sprint: 3.63 seconds
Standing long jump: 3.05m

i wanna hear what that should have put me at. cause i know my pr is wayyyyy less than what is should be right now
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