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Men's height vs Women's height...

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:02 pm
by andy94566
I was just curious, but how would you compare a woman's cleared height to a man's?
Not being sexist, but the heights that men clear are generally a lot higher than those that women clear.
Just as an example, what height would a women have to clear to have the equivalent "skill" as a man clearing 10/11/12/13 feet?

Re: Men's height vs Women's height...

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 6:48 pm
by rainbowgirl28
andy94566 wrote:Just as an example, what height would a women have to clear to have the equivalent "skill" as a man clearing 10/11/12/13 feet?

It's a little hard to compare because those are heights cleared by beginners, who can vary WIDELY in technique. A big strong fast HS boy can sit over 13', while a shorter, slower HS boy might need pretty darn good technique to make it over 13'.

But as an estimate, roughly 3' lower for HS girls than boys to be comparable. This may vary at your local level, of course.

Re: Men's height vs Women's height...

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:35 pm
by andy94566
Oh. I forgot to take skill levels in consideration. Thanks