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What I Learned from 4 Years of High School Vaulting

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 4:36 pm
by powerplant42
So I didn't really know where to put this...

1. Pole vaulting is fun... Even when you're terrible.
2. Friends tend to be made more easily when you have a common goal/interest in flinging yourselves into the air with a piece of fiberglass.
3. I know a lot about the event.
4. I don't know everything about the event.
5. The ability to differentiate between being "hurt" and "injured" is invaluable. If you're hurt, man-up and go for it. If you're injured, get ice and go home... then call the doctor.
6. When you aim high, you don't always end up high. Dreaming is one thing, and it's fun to do during class. Dreaming on the runway will make you look like an idiot.
7. We are under-funded and under-appreciated, even when a team's vaulters score half their points at a meet... But at least we're not gasping for air after our event is over! :D
8. It's often a good idea to ask for help.
9. It's often a good idea to ask for help.
10. It's often a good idea to ask for help.
11. Knowing when advice is bad is a very good thing. Studying the event's technical side (and training methodology) on a serious level can save you a lot of trouble. A LOT. But sometimes it might just be bettter to shut up and try something at least once.
12. Equivocation is bad. Knowing what a coach means when he gives a cue is critical.
13. You can learn just as much from watching bad coaching as you can from watching good coaching.
14. Every vaulter should take a nap underneath the top pad at least once in their career.
15. Taking a break can be very beneficial, both physically and psychologically.
16. You shouldn't "talk" much.
17. Third attempt clearances ROCK.
18. Focusing on next year is not a good idea until it IS next year.
19. Non-vaulters talking about the event is entertaining. :)
20. Being realistic is a good idea. It's better to surprise yourself by doing more than you had hoped for than hoping for something miraculous to happen all the while realizing that you're most likely not even going to get close.
21. It's wise and much more professional looking to have your run planned out BEFORE arriving to a meet. It saves a lot of time too.
22. Persistence is necessary for success, but sometimes it really is better to stop.
23. Poles are expensive.
24. EVERYONE'S PR is higher in practice. With a bungie. That one time.
25. This is the best sport out there... Not only because of the adrenaline and awesomeness, but because of the people.

Re: What I Learned from 4 Years of High School Vaulting

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 5:37 pm
by Ramy Yasser
By Numbers
2: so true :D my best friends now are pole vaulters :D
3-4 hahahaa so true :D
17- YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!
18- Can Be a respected Quote
24- yes sir :d true

I love it all :)
good luck with college