... oposed.pdf
Item 48 – Submitted by George Kleeman, Rules Committee
Amend last sentence of Rule 180.14 as follows:
... If the tie still remains and concerns first place, the competitors having achieved the same result
((will)) shall compete again in the same order in a new attempt until the tie is resolved
Reason: To make it clear as in the vertical jumps, that ties will be broken..
Item 49 – Submitted by Glenn Fortune, Rules Committee
Amend Rule 181.2 as follows:
All measurements must be made ((with a steel or fiberglass tape or bar graduated in centimeters,
and shall be made perpendicularly)) in accordance with Rule 148, perpendicular from the ground
to the lowest part of the upper side of the bar. Any measurement of a new………..
Reason: I have been told a scientific measuring device is being used on regular basis even at
championship meets and this makes it legal to use such device and not create any conflict or
confusion with the Records Rule 264.2 allowing such device for vertical field event measurement.
Item 50 – Submitted by George Kleeman, Rules Committee
Add New Rule 181.6 as follows and renumber:
A competitor shall have the discretion to commence jumping or vaulting at the starting height or at
any subsequent height. A competitor who forgoes a trial at a height thereby forfeits the right to
jump again at that height. Such competitor may, however, jump at that height in a jump-off to break
a tie for first place. Three consecutive failures, regardless of the height at which such failures occur,
disqualifies the competitor from further competition except in the case of a jump-off to break a tie
for first place.
NOTE: The effect of this Rule is that a competitor may forego second or third attempts at a
particular height (after failing the first or second time) and still jump or vault at a higher height.
Reason: Removed by mistake last year when a new 181.5 was added.
Item 51 – Submitted by George Kleeman, Rules Committee
Amend Rule 181.7 as follows
NOTE: It is a foul if the crossbar is knocked off by the pole hitting the crossbar unless in the
judge’s opinion, an effort was made by the competitor to push the pole away from the crossbar
when the athlete releases the pole.
Reason: Clarification of what is a foul.
Proposed USATF Rule Changes
- rainbowgirl28
- I'm in Charge
- Posts: 30435
- Joined: Sat Aug 31, 2002 1:59 pm
- Expertise: Former College Vaulter, I coach and officiate as life allows
- Lifetime Best: 11'6"
- Gender: Female
- World Record Holder?: Renaud Lavillenie
- Favorite Vaulter: Casey Carrigan
- Location: A Temperate Island
- Contact:
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