random vault videos

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random vault videos

Unread postby achtungpv » Thu Jul 03, 2008 6:27 pm

"You have some interesting coaching theories that seem to have little potential."

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Unread postby VaultPurple » Fri Jul 04, 2008 12:40 am

how do you break a pole between your two hands? its not even bent there for the most part....

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Re: random vault videos

Unread postby decanuck » Fri Jul 04, 2008 8:27 pm

achtungpv wrote:Translated: "This pole is sh!t."
Don't think the pole had anything to do with why that jump was s***...Has this guy been reading a French translation of the Texas Pole Vault Manifesto?

Either special olympic vaulters or multi-eventers. I can't tell the difference.
Ba-zing. Normally I'd stick up for multis cause dec is really, really hard, but those guys were really, really terrible.

I hope that was a sound effect and not his hip.
I know which video this is without having too look...It makes me cringe so much I can't even watch it again. I think its his elbow or his wrist.

I was once at a meet where a guy fell backwards on the runway and broke both of his elbows and one wrist. Didn't see it happen, but everyone within about 500m heard it, and it sounded exactly like that. Much louder and sicker-sounding than a pole break.

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Unread postby nitro » Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:03 pm

i really liked the face meet standard and face meet box.... and i do hope that wasnt his hip
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Unread postby gymnastsrock » Fri Jul 04, 2008 10:07 pm

Either special olympic vaulters or multi-eventers. I can't tell the difference.

I speak French, and the icing on the cake for me was the one comment in French "trop doues". That means "too talented". HAHAHA!
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Unread postby powerplant42 » Sat Jul 05, 2008 2:05 pm

And then their 'meilleur athlete' (best athlete) is having trouble at like 7 feet! They should've just tried to high jump most of those bars...
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