Sport (Pole Vaulting) Psychology

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Sport (Pole Vaulting) Psychology

Unread postby multicard18 » Wed Mar 21, 2007 10:34 pm

Just wondering what anyone thinks about the psychology of the sport. Such as, imagery, goal setting, relaxation, ext.......Be specific. I'm a big believer in it and just wondering what anyone else (pole vaulters) do as well. So fire away!

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Unread postby theczar » Wed Mar 21, 2007 11:26 pm

I think that being able to imagine or picture yourself doing something is key. I don't know how I would have gotten as good as I am without being able to visualize what I need to do. Before a meet, I picture myself jumping with perfect for over and over and over. The more I think about doing that, it creates a kind of muscle memory similar to physically preforming the imagined jump. And, if I know a certain part or aspect of the jump that I need to work on, I imagine that part repeatedly. The more I visualize, the better I jump. That is just as important to me as actually jumping.

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Unread postby Vault Chick » Thu Mar 22, 2007 12:44 am

Yeah, my coach has me doing this a lot. One thing I tend to do is not get back or shoot my hips all the way when there is a bar up, so my coach tries to get me to imagine there is a bar at a higher height, and to try to clear that one. He also has me imagine me clearing the height I am going for as well.

You also mentioned goal setting. To me this is huge. You have to make goals, because then it gets you to try harder. I am constantly setting goals for myselt. For me, I cleared 9'3" my sophomore year, and I am currently in my junior year track season. My goal for this year is 10'6", and I have already cleared 9'9". Today I BARELY missed 10. So setting goals in my opinion just makes you even more hungry, and to push yourself.
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Unread postby Sean/vaulter/naeS » Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:30 pm

not knowing the height is good for me, at pratice when my coach puts up the bungy and he wont tell me what it is i clear higher than i ever have. Mental preperation such as psyching myself up is really important too.

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Unread postby theczar » Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:45 pm

Sean/vaulter/naeS wrote:not knowing the height is good for me, at pratice when my coach puts up the bungy and he wont tell me what it is i clear higher than i ever have. Mental preperation such as psyching myself up is really important too.

I did that to my team mate last year. He went do get a drink of water and while he was gone we moved the bungee from 14' to 15'. His PR at the time was 14, so he thought it wouldn't be that bad. So, he jumped and just barely skimmed it. He looked at us and said that that was an OK jump, he could do better. That's when we told him it was 15. For the rest of the day he couldn't jump like that again, and I think it was because he knew the height.

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Unread postby BethelPV » Fri Mar 23, 2007 7:16 pm

Read the book "Mind Gym"
Vault with a purpose... Vault for God!!

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