Standard Placement Rules--Any Thoughts?

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Unread postby Rhino » Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:47 pm

When I started vaulting, the standards could be moved from -24 inches to +24 inches. It never affected me because I never put them closer than about 8 inches. I never put them closer than 24 now, but putting the standards farther back doesn't in any way change where I land. I could put them at 90 centimeters and still land in the box. What puts people in the box is a too big pole (trying to abide by high school rules).

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Unread postby Anti-Gravity » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:37 am

rainbowgirl28 wrote:
Maverick986 wrote:I do have a question though...what is the reason for h.s. and college rules stating a minimum for standards? When if you go to IAAF or USATF meets you can have them as close as you want. I don't really see a real reason for I the only one that thinks that standards should have the same rule straight across the board?

Trying to keep kids from killing themselves. I think moving the minimum standard placement from 12" to 15.5" was one of the smarter moves the NFHS ever made.

I am in complete agreement with rainbowgirl!!! 15.5 was smart, but I would like to see it pushed to 18 inches.

Even now, I have noticed that HS vaulters who set their standards closer than 18, fail to bring the pole to vertical on over 90% of their jumps - even when they clear the crossbar. Vertical Pole = Safe Vaulting

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Unread postby Skyin' Brian » Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:42 am

Anti-Gravity wrote:
rainbowgirl28 wrote:
Maverick986 wrote:I do have a question though...what is the reason for h.s. and college rules stating a minimum for standards? When if you go to IAAF or USATF meets you can have them as close as you want. I don't really see a real reason for I the only one that thinks that standards should have the same rule straight across the board?

Trying to keep kids from killing themselves. I think moving the minimum standard placement from 12" to 15.5" was one of the smarter moves the NFHS ever made.

I am in complete agreement with rainbowgirl!!! 15.5 was smart, but I would like to see it pushed to 18 inches.

Even now, I have noticed that HS vaulters who set their standards closer than 18, fail to bring the pole to vertical on over 90% of their jumps - even when they clear the crossbar. Vertical Pole = Safe Vaulting

yes, this is the kind of observation i was looking for. the equation that you bolded in your post took me until i was in college to recognize! too many athletes are just concerned with getting over the bar any way they can on a given day ignoring very important flaws in their vaulting

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Unread postby highhopes » Mon Aug 21, 2006 7:10 pm

I have my standards at 15.5" and have no problem going a little past vertical and land in the middle of the mat. Most of the vaulters I see have there standard set at around 20".
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Unread postby bel142 » Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:12 am

Although i understand many vaulters may say different things, as a blanket statement and I apologize if I am stepping on anyone’s toes. When training you want the standards buried at 80.... Practice vaulting safely, and getting into the pit. And in practice if your going after bars never bring the standards closer than 65 (rule of thumb) just to keep things safe.

However in competition within the realm of keeping things safe, move the standards to make the bar. Personally I have had days that there has been a bit of a head wind and placing the standards at 80 with my 80 pole would have left me with a big ol’ NH.

In terms of Jumping the PLZ is there for a reason, if your shooting way over the preferred landing zone and you need to ask a team mate to stand behind the pit and act as a spotter/catcher, then you’re just too much man for that pole and you need a bigger one. If your jumping correctly but are getting stood up, and landing with your feet at the box or on the front bun, then you need less fiber glass in your hand.

But that’s only from my skewed view of the world...

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