1980 Moscow Olympic Pole Vault (Video)

A forum to discuss pole vaulting related things of a historical nature.
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Bruce Caldwell
PV Enthusiast
Posts: 1783
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2003 3:19 pm
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Location: DFW TEXAS

1980 Moscow Olympic Pole Vault (Video)

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:36 pm

1980 Moscow Olympic Pole Vault

This is the one where America boycotted the Olympics and none of our athletes could go!
Wally Kozakiewiez broke the World Record twice in the meet and set a new OLYMPIC RECORD!
He was the only vaultere using a FiberSport Pole provided and designerd by me Bruce Caldwell.
Produced private labeled by Paul Richards at his Sky-pole plant in TEXAS.
It is the second time a World Record has been broken in an OLYMPIC Games pole vault!
He was jeered by the Russians all the way down the run way and he flipped the audience off when he made the Record Grin!


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