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Corey Shank – what went wrong?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:53 am
by run faster jump higher
Have you seen the latest video clip on Neo Vault of Corey Shank getting “Besmerizedâ€Â

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:08 am
by hallvaulter
right before he planted he tripped so he couldnt jump off the ground and he already takes off at about 12 6 so all he could do is just drop

most important lession: NEVER LET GO OF THE POLE

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:29 am
by run faster jump higher
I'm not sure I see the trip you're talking about - it might be there but it isn't obvious to me. a weak plant step yes, and he sure doesn't jump up at all. what else do you see?

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:07 pm
by Tim McMichael
Wow, I’ve only seen that one other time. The record at OU for distance from the pit is 32 feet. This jump looks like it beats that.

He definitely trips. Look at his takeoff leg when his foot hits the ground. It just collapses. What you get when that happens is all horizontal and no vertical. Not good.

One of the things this video proves is that you cannot break a high quality pole if you do not swing on it. If you do not swing, the pole bends more like a fishing pole than a vaulting pole. You can bend it almost end to end, and it just snaps back. Another safety issue here is the necessity of hanging on to the pole when things go wrong. If he had let go, the middle of the pole would have hit him like a baseball bat. By hanging on, all he got was a little road rash from the runway. The moral of this is that when things go wrong, hang on and don’t swing. If you follow these rules, three very bad things cannot happen: you cannot land in the box; you cannot break the pole; and you cannot land on your head.

It also shows that Pacer Carbons bend a lot more in the bottom than the top, but that is a subject that has already been beaten to death in the equipment forum

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 12:50 pm
by run faster jump higher
maybe you guys have better montiors than I do... still not seeing the trip. is he tripping with his left foot as he brings it forward toward the plant step? all I see is a blur, I don't see any ground contact there. to me it looks like he just brings it forward and drops it almost as if he knows he's in for a ride.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 1:45 pm
by vaultman18
I did the same thing at a meet in Knoxville, only I took off about three feet under. By the time I stopped I was back about 40' from the pit.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:24 pm
by Maverick986
run faster jump higher wrote:I'm not sure I see the trip you're talking about - it might be there but it isn't obvious to me. a weak plant step yes, and he sure doesn't jump up at all. what else do you see?

I can't see the trip also to me as though that he not only didn't jump up but it looked as though he either jumped more forward or just rand into it, as in through the plant.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:42 pm
by BethelPV
Go to and watch there on quicktime. You can play it in slow motion and see that his spikes seem to bite earlier, stubbing his toe sort of and causing him to more fall into the plant, causing the following disaster.

On a side note; Mad props to you Corey for hanging on during that one.

Also, will you and Hunter be coming up for the Grand Haven Beach Vault again this summer? Just wondering if we will get to watch you guys jump on Friday or not.

Last little thing... just as a reminder. Anyone interested, there is a Beach Vault held in Grand Haven, Michigan. For more information go to


Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:10 pm
by AKell
holy crap!!! how did the pole not rip out of his hands or snap in half??? :eek: I've seen pole bends 2/3 that much snap or throw a guy. He did a great job holding on and not getting smashed by the pole. But I'm wondering how he tripped on a takeoff- it doesn't seen possible.

Posted: Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:13 pm
by vault3rb0y
AKell wrote:holy crap!!! how did the pole not rip out of his hands or snap in half??? :eek: I've seen pole bends 2/3 that much snap or throw a guy. He did a great job holding on and not getting smashed by the pole. But I'm wondering how he tripped on a takeoff- it doesn't seen possible.
those poles are usually scratched or weathered really badly. Pacer Carbons are made really well, but most poles over 14' can bend over 90 degrees and be ok, although this is a little extreme

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:38 pm
by bel142
It doenst look like he trips, but rather looks more like the lack of a last step, the last step is very important to get your body moving up and converting the runway energy into upward motion, Because he doesnt do that, he ended up taking off extreamly flat. His body just goes in, rather than in and up, then his hips' position verses where the pole is, forces him to sit down on the pole (but what vaulter wouldn't when something is about to go that wrong) and that is where everything just goes bad... But the main flaw in his attempt, is the lack of that step/jump to get his energy and body to start moving up, hence he went in.... and then came out....

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2006 4:28 pm
by VTechVaulter
ive seen plenty of poles break for without someone swinging on it. i can pretty much gaurantee that pole has been taken good care of.

great bail after some scary takeoff

and the record for distance from the pit still goes to ray scotten at texas, went over the rail and up 5 or 6 rows of bleachers.