Advice on my vault

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Advice on my vault

Unread postby lmshil » Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:39 pm

In my second meet of the season, I finally PRed and jumped 13' on a 14' 170 pacer one from 7 lefts (bodyweight 160). This meet was a real morale booster since all of indoor I was constant in meets getting 12' - 12'6 because I wasn't quite comfortable and confident on the pole as I would always land shallow and it would force me to "sit" over the bar. Now that I'm getting confident on this pole I would like to know how get into the full invert (while also being comfortable with it) so the pole recoils me vertically. So far I've only been able to really get a full invert from 3 lefts "straight poleing". I really want to end my season and high school career around 14'6 - 15' and I think with enough hard work and tweaking my form its possible. Thanks in advance.
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Re: Advice on my vault

Unread postby gabsterpv » Tue Apr 04, 2017 5:24 pm

Right off the bat I see a problem with the pole carry. Because you hold the pole low it causes a offset body position causing you to carry the pole with your top hand behind you. This makes it difficult to transition your hands up and overhead to take off which is why you kind of round house and it is late. It is late because the pole drop is off because you start low, instead of having a steady drop throughout the run.
1.) start with the pole tip high in your run. Keep that top arm(right) next to your hip and bottom arm(left) comfortably centered and try not to let it drop through the pole drop ** remember everything in the pole vault happens through your top arm so the pole drop is through your top arm keeping your left arm neutral. --- to fix this i would recommend starting every practice (incorporate into your daily warmup) at least 30 pole drops (10 top arm only, 10 bottom arm only, 10 both [i used to do 300 every sunday]) then do walking plants, then slight jog, working your way up to a sprint or fun approach pole run.
2.) now your plant and take off arent bad! They are actually pretty awesome, if your hands got up sooner you would be able to jump up higher through the takeoff and really explode out of it!
3.) once you fix the pole run alot of the jump will happen naturally! But one thing i do notice is that you "take the pressure off the pole." if you notice that through your swing the pole almost pulls you forward. Well remember when I said everything happens through your top arm... well you swing through your top arm too!! You need to row through your top arm and this will literally throw you upside down!!!
----- what i did to learn this is take a PVC pipe ... 10ft long 1" diameter to start and go up in diameter once it gets easier (shouldnt be more than $5 at your homedepot) but lay down on the ground... put one end of the PVC against something that will not move (side of the pit or wall) and tape the other end you want to hold on too. once you have one end at the side of the pit you want to lay down and scoot your butt in until your feet are about 1.5 to 2 feet away from the base.. now bend the PVC pipe (you may need a friend) until your top arm is at the top. then start rowing!!! (make sure to focus most of the rowing on your top arm.. you can keep your bottom arm extended but do not pull with that arm, that arm is just pressure or "pressing" and releasing of the pressure. I will link a video down below incase that was too confusing haha
But all in all you have to fix A before you fix B and you have to fix B before you fix C. Start from the beginning, generally if something is going wrong in your vault it is probably stemming from something that happened before it.
Start with your pole carry/pole drop and 15 ft will be cake!! Also once you are in the correct position and ready to explode through the take off you will easily get on bigger poles and be flying!!

These are two videos of the drill (one on the ground and one with an incline [i prefer the ground])... keep your arms straight.. you do not have to follow through with your feet to the ground as this is only preparing you for the invert (which is one of the aspects that is kind of neglected from coaching) only swing your feet to your hands. also you can do this standing up as a take off drill (with the bottom in a hole) and walk through and do a tiny rowing motion which is also neglected (alot of people delay this causing timing issues in the air)

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