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4 left approach jumps

Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:35 pm
by andy94566
Bar: 12'10"
Step: 4 lefts from 52'11"
Grip: 1st attempt- 12', 2nd attempt- 12'1", 3rd attempt- 12'2"
Standards: 80
Pole: 14' 150 UCS
PR: 13'9" from 7 lefts

This was our team's intersquad meet this season. It looks to me like I was blowing through my pole and a move up one pole would have done me good. I am planning on moving back to a 5 most likely 6 left approach soon. I see that as I initiate the plant, my left arm is coming down too low making me stride out. Some other poles that I have are 14'7" 145, 14'7" 150, 14' 160, 14' 165.

Any critiques, comments, greatly appreciated!

Re: 4 left approach jumps

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:38 am
by trayoates
my thought when i was blowing through poles was to move up to a bigger stick, however, it looks like you're consistently 6'' under every jump. when you're doing a short run you should be more closer to be on than a long run (general rule of thumb). if you would have moved up sticks you probably would have been more under and when you get too drastically under to get into the pit.

then you would wonder, "why am i blowing through this small stick, but can't get in on my longer run?"

to fix that you need to work on getting your last step (sometimes called "pen-ultimate") quicker and not striding out. think about dunking a basketball.... does the guy run up really fast then take some ridiculously long last step? no its short and quick to transfer his horizontal momentum to vertical.

some drills i did to fix my constantly being under problem:
1. go back to a 2-left drill with a straight pole and work on keeping the right arm totally straight while trying to jump up more and more on each attempt. that should make your grip get higher and higher the more you jump up at take off. MAKE SURE YOU'RE TOTALLY ON THOUGH
2. do the same with a three step drill. chances are you'll probably still be under at first. KEEP ON WORKING ON BEING TOTALLY ON
3. move back to a 4 step, grip up on a slightly bigger pole, then work on bending it while keeping your step on it's mark. if you jump up correctly like you have in the previous drills you should see your top hand rise up, bending the pole less

good luck man, i also put a towel on my takeoff everytime i did these to make sure i didnt take off under. im not saying to change your whole vault, but doing this practice every so often should help build muscle memory

Re: 4 left approach jumps

Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:38 am
by trayoates
my thought when i was blowing through poles was to move up to a bigger stick, however, it looks like you're consistently 6'' under every jump. when you're doing a short run you should be more closer to be on than a long run (general rule of thumb). if you would have moved up sticks you probably would have been more under and when you get too drastically under to get into the pit.

then you would wonder, "why am i blowing through this small stick, but can't get in on my longer run?"

to fix that you need to work on getting your last step (sometimes called "pen-ultimate") quicker and not striding out. think about dunking a basketball.... does the guy run up really fast then take some ridiculously long last step? no its short and quick to transfer his horizontal momentum to vertical.

some drills i did to fix my constantly being under problem:
1. go back to a 2-left drill with a straight pole and work on keeping the right arm totally straight while trying to jump up more and more on each attempt. that should make your grip get higher and higher the more you jump up at take off. MAKE SURE YOU'RE TOTALLY ON THOUGH
2. do the same with a three step drill. chances are you'll probably still be under at first. KEEP ON WORKING ON BEING TOTALLY ON
3. move back to a 4 step, grip up on a slightly bigger pole, then work on bending it while keeping your step on it's mark. if you jump up correctly like you have in the previous drills you should see your top hand rise up, bending the pole less

good luck man, i also put a towel on my takeoff everytime i did these to make sure i didnt take off under. im not saying to change your whole vault, but doing this practice every so often should help build muscle memory