Tips for the fall

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Tips for the fall

Unread postby always_ambitious » Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:00 pm

These videos are from a recent fall practice.
Mr run is from 76' (6L)
My grip is 13'1
The pole is a 14' 155
Bungee is at 12'6
It's early and I'm still getting back into the swing of things (no pun intended), but these are the biggest issues that I see:
1)I don't finish my swing. My trail leg just tucks in and flags out as soon as the pole starts to bend. (for whatever reason, I don't have this issue on rings, high bar, or straight pole drills)
2)I throw my head back.
3)plant timing/mechanics need work (IMO the easiest to fix. Lots of plant drills in the coming days!)
Please let me know anything else that you spot, and let me know how to work on it. Another set of experienced eyes always helps. Thanks in advance! ... sp=sharing ... sp=sharing

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Re: Tips for the fall

Unread postby coachjvinson » Mon Sep 23, 2013 11:28 pm

fully extend the top arm in the plant...
"no bicep"

with respect to the top end...

forget the bungee is there and get your hip to your top hand...
"right hand right pocket" then turn and push to clear...

it appears that you are more concerned about clearing the bungee than finishing the vault...
your eyes lock back in on the bungee and interrupt the inversion...
when you swing to invert on the rings hold the position upside down and switch between spotting your toes and spotting the floor while holding the inverted position; this should help with the spacial awareness and help break the habit of keeping your eyes zeroed in on the bar...

keep working on the rings and high bar...
the more swing momentum you have, the better...


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Re: Tips for the fall

Unread postby CoachEric » Tue Sep 24, 2013 10:54 am

Head position: watch your vault! You should see yourself swing.

Raise your grip.

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