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Critique me?!

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 6:51 pm
by Jacobrogers1992! ... =2&theater
height: 5'8
weight: 165
I dont know if the link is working. please give feedback

Re: Critique me?!

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 6:24 pm
by tsorenson
Hey Jacob,
I am happy to comment on your video because we went to the same high school! I'm not sure if I still have the record at HHS but I did for a long time. It is hard to see your video but I will do my best.

You have a lot of positive aspects to your vault; good pole drop, good cadence/quickening rhythm, early plant, good drive knee, quick swing.

The first thing that jumps out is that your pole carry needs work. Your left hand drops beneath the level of your left elbow very early in your approach, forcing you to carry the pole low and to the side. Focus on keeping your elbow down beneath the level of your left hand so that your hand can act as a fulcrum (balance point) for the plant. Almost everyone drops the hand somewhat, but the less the better. If the bottom hand stays high and centered in the middle of the chest (about 8 inches in front of your sternum), the entire plant is quicker and more efficient, allowing your feet to quicken better. It looks like your bottom hand ends up to the right of center at the plant, which is a symptom of dropping the bottom hand into a "roundabout" plant. This symptom probably gets worse as you get on longer runs and bigger poles. The goal is to keep your posture and rise up through the takeoff (while quickening) without needing a big settle-step. Keeping the hands high through the approach is how you can achieve this.
Good drills for correcting this is standing pole drops, walking plants, pole runs, and stiff pole 3-step stay-behind drills, while keeping the elbow tucked under the hand and the pole centered on your body. It will take you about a year of constant emphasis to fix this bad habit, and it will feel weird at first.

It is very difficult to see your swing leg on this video, but it seems that you are swinging only with the lower part of your body, and that the swing isn't dynamic enough. You need to snap the shoulders and core muscles into flexion at the same time as you are kick-whipping the trail leg. This will get you on top of the pole sooner and allow you to use bigger poles and higher grips. Learn to do the tap swing on a highbar, and/or learn to snap your swing on the rings by alternately going "elastic", then snapping the leg straight while re-engaging your shoulder and core muscles. This will get you swinging back and forth, after which you can whip the straight leg to the top (swing past vertical, so that your feet are pointing behind you) and then invert. Your inversion should be forceful enough to make the rings go slack because your center of mass is flying up above your hands.

Hope this helps, feel free to message me if you need any clarification or if you'd like to send me some higher quality video. Go Saxons


Re: Critique me?!

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 9:21 pm
by Jacobrogers1992
Hey Tom, thanks I apprectiate it! I was just talking about you Saturday at my brothers christian Nationals meet in Indiana where he won! And qualified for NAIA Nationals again. Me and him, were wondering where you were coaching at now because he is in need of a coach. Everyone in Michigan says he has the potential to be a 19' vaulter, but he is having difficulty achieving some things. I believe your record is still standing. 15'6 or so right? And is there drills I can do to practice those? I am going to get my level 1 coaching certificate soon and then eventually my level 3 so i can be a pole vault coach. I have helped coach high school pole vaulting 4 years and my brother for about 8 years. Thanks for the feedback.

Re: Critique me?!

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 11:15 pm
by grandevaulter
The world just got smaller.

Re: Critique me?!

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:22 am
by tsorenson
Congrats to your bro!

Sorry to say I can't coach you or your brother in person...I have lived in Oregon for the last 14 years. However, I would be happy to help you guys out any way I can. One thing you should know is that the process of fixing your technique will make you a better will understand how it feels for your athletes when they are struggling with learning how to vault. Also, you will understand that learning solid fundamentals from the beginning is the best path to success. Fixing bad habits takes a lot longer over the course of a vaulter's career, even though it may be tempting to push grips and poles when you have a talented athlete.

There are some great coaches in MI and N. Indiana, also. Send me a message anytime! :yes:
