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Not enough rotation on top of jump, any tips?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 2:45 pm
by AvariceDemons
I started vaulting again this past summer after close to 2 years without practice. Changed some things on form etc and have been vaulting all indoor. I noticed this weekend that I have been getting stuck per say at the top of my vault, as in I do not get enough rotation over I am over the bar.

I put youtube links to the meet from this weekend and then a few practice jumps from two weeks ago, any tips to fix this/what is causing it? I know part of it is my lower grip that causes the pole to unwind quicker, I have been working on getting my grip up more to give me more time with the bend. Any other tips/drills I could use in practice to help correct this?

Meet video:

Practice videos:

Re: Not enough rotation on top of jump, any tips?

Posted: Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:18 pm
by vquestpvc
It appears that you are peeking at the cross bar as you elevate which will cause you to stop or slow down rotating. Your body will follow your head so that if it stops moving so will your body. If you want to do a back flip you put your head back. Not suggesting that you put your head back when you vault only that your head moves past the cross bar. Try focusing on your top hand at takeoff and maintain that focus as you cover the pole and pull through the top.