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Example of a Good Takeoff?
Posted: Sun Oct 17, 2010 10:48 pm
by IAmTheWalrus
I've been really trying to improve the run and takeoff got the kids I coach this year, since a lot of them tend to be inside a bit and to be pretty rigid with the bottom arm. I've been doing some demo jumps, but I want to make sure that my takeoff is actually a good example of and aggressive (albeit somewhat inside) takeoff, where the left arm flexes to allow the pole to be loaded through the top arm. I realize I could be overemphasizing the "aggressiveness" and actually be a bit flat, and that's why I'm asking here. The rest of the jump is crap, but I think this is a good takeoff. Do you agree?
Re: Example of a Good Takeoff?
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 12:41 am
by RPVA03
I think you are on the right track. A little more work with run and plant will help make sure the pole is really straight when you are leaving the ground. You are doing a good job of loading the pole with the right arm and keeping your left arm to the outside.
Re: Example of a Good Takeoff?
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:09 am
by altius
Not bad - but you are over striding - must cure that . Then eyes looking down/forward - this leads to a flat take off.
Re: Example of a Good Takeoff?
Posted: Thu Mar 24, 2011 10:58 am
by polevault5
Keep everything moving up throughout the whole jump. The take-off, however, was pretty solid.
I know you said "Example of a Good Takeoff?" but I feel like it'll help if after you hit the take-off, initiate your swing from your hips instead of sinking on the pole and leaning back to swing. If everything stays forward through the take-off into the swing, you'll go straight out the end of the pole without the re-bend feel and you'll get on the right pole faster in a meet and jump higher.
Good luck to you.