Please help! getting frustrated...

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Please help! getting frustrated...

Unread postby crazyasian31 » Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:41 pm

Age: 18
Grade: senior
How long you have been jumping: 3rd season
What pole you are on (length and weight rating): 150 13'
How high you are gripping: 11'
What bar(s) you are attempting in the video: 8'6 and 10'

Hi everyone. This is my 3rd season vaulting, and I'm still stuck at 9'6 which is the height I cleared my 2nd meet -_-.

Today I couldn't get over 10' either, I had one "good" attempt at it, but unfortunately I didn't catch it on film. ("good"- I got over, but because of my bad turn, i hit it with my elbow)

I have some footage of my other jumps here :

Some problems I think I noticed:
I'm probably taking off under
My bottom arm gets suck into the pole, killing my swing
I have a weird leg swing(I'm swing with my leg bent so effectively only using half its length"
my bottom arm gets caught on the wrong side of the pole and hits it, causing me to spin/go up sideways
I shoot for the pole and don't swing to vertical

I've always had trouble turning over since I started.

any tips, advice, criticism would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Please help! getting frustrated...

Unread postby crazyasian31 » Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:51 pm

oh and If anyone wants the original files to slow them down and stuff, I can email it to them or I can just make another video with it all slowed down.

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Re: Please help! getting frustrated...

Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:05 pm

Doesn't anyone use standard base pads anymore? They are required in the rule book, and yet they never seem to show up on YouTube videos. :crying: :deadrose:

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Re: Please help! getting frustrated...

Unread postby crazyasian31 » Wed Mar 31, 2010 10:08 pm

This was a pretty weird meet, the person catching the pole is the official, and the other teams coach. He was was catching our poles even if they were falling towards the bar...

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Re: Please help! getting frustrated...

Unread postby polevaulter811 » Tue Apr 06, 2010 7:29 pm

Let me start out by saying I'm no expert, but if you turn ten feet will be cake for you. Your invert is not bad, and had you turned you would have cleared. After you invert fully just turn your right leg inward and rotate it over your left leg. This should help alot, and should not be too difficult considering your straight poling. Hope this helps.

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