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14'9 Attempt (kinda)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 12:51 pm
by VaultPurple

Meet entry height was a foot over my pr. And I thought I had a decient shot at it... I atleast got my hips all the way over it on this attempt before I came crashing down.

Hopefully makes room for good things to come.....

Pole was 14' 155 gripping about 13'4, and I was running 7 lefts from 86'6. That is close for me as I usaully run 7 from about 88 but my step was really wierd that day, I was taking off about a foot under though..

so have a crack at it

Re: 14'9 Attempt (kinda)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:38 pm
by BadMotherVaulter
Being under attributed to this, but it looks like you're leaned back at takeoff... So there's no drive at all... it's like you got whipped off the ground. I watched some of your older videos too, and it looks like the same thing.

If you were one of my high school vaulters, I'd have you doing sliding box drills, then jagodins (we call them 'stay behinds') to develop a drive phase off the ground.

Take that for what it's worth though, I'm no expert. Overall, your vault doesn't look too bad at all. I think if you take off better and drive better, you'll be on some bigger sticks pretty soon and they'll give you what you want off the top end.

Re: 14'9 Attempt (kinda)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 9:52 pm
by Barto
Posture, posture, posture....

You are under because you are "sitting back" while running. Try to stand up tall with your hips "turned down" underneath your pelvis and drive your chest up and out on every step. Think of trying to push the ground behind you instead of pulling the ground from in front of you.

Re: 14'9 Attempt (kinda)

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:58 pm
by vault3rb0y
Just made the connection, you came to my place and i didnt even introduce myself! Sorry man!

Definitely what barto says. It leads you to get stuck and be completely passive once your legs reach the pole. With better posture, you get more forward on take off, swing more effectively, and are able to finish the vault.

Also note the cameo of Spencer McCorkel of Liberty.... new hair from HS serving him well haha.