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Annie sand vault/5 left vaulting

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:38 pm
by kcvault

This is Annie's first time ever sand vaulting, so I am not so concerned with the critique on the sand vaulting yet. Her jumps are from 5 lefts on a 12ft 140 with a 30-6 mid. I think her swing to the top and inversion are getting better, but she does not seem to be able to get on top of the pole and push down it.

Re: Annie sand vault/5 left vaulting

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 6:20 pm
by powerplant42
I would say the best way to work on her swing (other than with a bar of course) is to get her to stay behind the pole with the sand jagodins.