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9/30/09 practice
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:27 am
by VTechVaulter
well im in the middle of my 4-5 weeks no running recovery due to some knee problems, so i got antsy and made a video of my last practice. ... em/867528/
Re: 9/30/09 practice
Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:52 pm
My critique, you better jump 19ft this year!!
Re: 9/30/09 practice
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 12:43 am
by joebro391
brian, just curious, what are your thoughts on your "kip", that you do, during your extension?? -6P
Re: 9/30/09 practice
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:48 am
by altius
Take off drills ALMOST as good as Lauren - could grip higher tho.. Other vaults - left arm still too strong - pull the grip in 6 inches and make sure the elbow is outside the line of the pole throughout.
Re: 9/30/09 practice
Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 9:30 am
by VTechVaulter
yeah we have been experimenting with narrowing the grip. I didn't want to drop it all the way at once, but it was 2 inches narrower than last year, and my coach and i have been discussing narrowing it further, which im excited to try.
i only did 3 of the 2 arm straight pole drills as part of warm ups. next time ill start higher and grip higher.
as for my "kip". im not really too worried about it. I feel as though the swing through the chord is really powerful, and it continues beyond that point for a bit too, there is a tiny draw in, some more than others, but i feel like for a guy whose 6'4 its a really strong swing to shoulder drop. while ive been injured ive been living in the gymnastics room so maybe it will go away a bit more. ideally it would be great to look like tarasov but, i certainly dont think that my work on the pole is whats limiting my jumping.
and thanks kyle.. im hoping for a big year too