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2009 Seaside Beach Vault (warm up's)

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:57 am
by joebro391
Hey Guys, some footage I got that the 2009 Seaside Heights Beach Vault (NJ). My camera died and I had to officiate the girl's runway, so all I have is the warm-up's :crying: HOWEVER, I honestly feel that this is better to watch, since nothing really happened during the meet (lot of NH's, if i rememeber).


Rory Quiller
Kurt Dunn
Duncan Littlefield

I'm really just interested in some comments you guys might have. So everyone, pick out some jumps, say what time it's at (you CAN do all haha), and comment! -6P

Re: 2009 Seaside Beach Vault (warm up's)

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 11:50 pm
by baggettpv
Not enough up on takeoff and loss of control thru the swing. Pretty much from everyone.

Rick Baggett