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Please help, states and regional are soon

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 12:13 am
by primetime614
13'7" 145lbs UCS
max grip ~ 13'3"
12' 14' bungies
Age: 17
5'6" - 128lbs

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:36 pm
by Run2Niels
Did I saw a tap on the back? :confused:

Not much of help, but what I can see is that you're too late with the swing, compared to how fast the pole moves to the vertical. Maybe get a bigger pole or run a bit slower...
I wonder what the experts are saying. O:-)

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:05 pm
by Glory
Your vaults looked pretty good. Advice I can give is that you have a lot more room to rock back further. the faster you can swing up rather than at the bar the logically the heigher you can go. Get your hips up more and squeeze those shoulder blades when you are inverted to get the idea. Also as you prepare for state and what not use more bars than bungees to get the real thing, also like run said taps are always a mistake and of luck keep it up

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 5:52 pm
by powerplant42
Definitely stop the tap. It'll probably end up that you'll psyche out come D-Day. Speaking of which, what region are you in? Is your meet tomorrow like mine?

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:05 pm
by PV1328
whats wrong with taps on the back..? sorry if it is a stupid question

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 11:58 pm
by polevaulter08nw
taps are seen as useless for coaches because the common thought is that you can't see whats important in the approach or really what is going on in the vault, and the tap can create a comfort factor in practice and make a jumper less comfertable at all other times.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:47 am
by primetime614
taps are a very contraverial thing, personally i dont like them either, i rarely get them and i never ask for them, i got two taps that day, and both of them were in this video and that was all the video i had

i'm going to have to disagree with whoever siad i'm swing late, that is the opposite of what all my coaches have been telling me, i'll sweeping right of the ground.

Otherwise thank for all the info guys thanks

i believe the key to my vault is to get vertical and stay vertical and get off the top of the pole, i think i could get 13'6" next week, 1-2 at states ;)

today i was vaulting much better, i was getting a really high plant, and everything good, it looked like another 13'+ day but it didnt happen i keep aiming for the bar, but i vault amazing in warm-ups. I like to suprise, i guess my them song should be: Ain't Seen Nothing Yet by B.T.O.

powerplant 42

No i'm not in ur region, im 3A Central
then 3A North in outdoor
ur 3A right? CHS
mabye i'll see u at states, i qualified with ease.

3A central went like this

C. Goodling - Hereford - 13'4"
Anya Uzoh - Meade - 12' mabye it was 11'6 PR
Me - Hereford - 11'6"
Jeremenko - Catonsville - 10'6" PR
then two guys at 9' ish ti think, i know they tied for 5th.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:37 am
by rainbowgirl28
Click on the link above that says "Search" and type in taps. It has been discussed on here many times before.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:07 pm
by lonestar
It's hard to see things well in this video. Try to shoot directly (90 degrees) perpendicular to your takeoff and if possible upload in Quicktime so it can be frame advanced with the arrow keys.

From the looks of it, your takeoff angle is flat, so you need to jump off the ground better. Your takeoff is flat because you're slightly overstriding into your takeoff, so bring your starting mark up closer to "tighten" your run up, and get your feet down faster under you in the last 6 steps, which will raise your center of gravity and help you jump off the ground better.

Your trail leg is long, but your hips get in front of you way too quickly. Try to lead the jump with your head and chest with your hips and trail leg further behind you after you leave the ground, then swing through from the shoulders. There's very little to no rotation in your shoulders, and you simply break at the hips and get stuck in a "V" and flop out at the bungee. Part of this is because as you swing, you start pushing hard with the left arm, which kills any rotation from your shoulders. A more narrow handspread can help break that problem.

For practice, go to a smaller pole that you can get in the pit easy on, lower your grip, narrow your handspread by moving your bottom hand up closer to your top hand 1-2 fists, and follow the run and takeoff advice I gave you in the last paragraph. This will help you to set up a better swing and rotate from your hands and shoulders with less breaking at the hips.

Use the Search button at the top to look up DJ Six Stride Mid Chart and follow his advice to help you establish a better run that will allow a better takeoff and a resulting better swing to inversion.

As Agapit once said, the pole vault is a "continuous chain." Any weak link in the chain compromises the integrity of the remaining links. You may feel or have been told that you have a good run, plant, takeoff, and swing. You may feel that you only need to work on your "rock back." The truth is that your "rock back" or "inversion" is 100% affected and set up by everything that precedes it (run, plant, takeoff, swing), and you can only fix it by fixing errors in those phases first. Otherwise you're trying to treat the symptom instead of the problem.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:20 pm
by powerplant42
Hope to see you there primetime, I should definitely qualify by top 4, if I don't clear the 10'6'' mark which will most likely happen anyway. But I shouldn't be psyching myself out the day of, you know?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 1:47 pm
by vaultman18
lonestar wrote:It's hard to see things well in this video. Try to shoot directly (90 degrees) perpendicular to your takeoff and if possible upload in Quicktime so it can be frame advanced with the arrow keys.

From the looks of it, your takeoff angle is flat, so you need to jump off the ground better. Your takeoff is flat because you're slightly overstriding into your takeoff, so bring your starting mark up closer to "tighten" your run up, and get your feet down faster under you in the last 6 steps, which will raise your center of gravity and help you jump off the ground better.

Your trail leg is long, but your hips get in front of you way too quickly. Try to lead the jump with your head and chest with your hips and trail leg further behind you after you leave the ground, then swing through from the shoulders. There's very little to no rotation in your shoulders, and you simply break at the hips and get stuck in a "V" and flop out at the bungee. Part of this is because as you swing, you start pushing hard with the left arm, which kills any rotation from your shoulders. A more narrow handspread can help break that problem.

For practice, go to a smaller pole that you can get in the pit easy on, lower your grip, narrow your handspread by moving your bottom hand up closer to your top hand 1-2 fists, and follow the run and takeoff advice I gave you in the last paragraph. This will help you to set up a better swing and rotate from your hands and shoulders with less breaking at the hips.

Use the Search button at the top to look up DJ Six Stride Mid Chart and follow his advice to help you establish a better run that will allow a better takeoff and a resulting better swing to inversion.

As Agapit once said, the pole vault is a "continuous chain." Any weak link in the chain compromises the integrity of the remaining links. You may feel or have been told that you have a good run, plant, takeoff, and swing. You may feel that you only need to work on your "rock back." The truth is that your "rock back" or "inversion" is 100% affected and set up by everything that precedes it (run, plant, takeoff, swing), and you can only fix it by fixing errors in those phases first. Otherwise you're trying to treat the symptom instead of the problem.

:yes: What he said. And NO TAPPING! :no:

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:43 pm
by vault3rb0y
Run2Niels wrote:Did I saw a tap on the back? :confused:

Not much of help, but what I can see is that you're too late with the swing, compared to how fast the pole moves to the vertical. Maybe get a bigger pole or run a bit slower...
I wonder what the experts are saying. O:-)

never adjust your run and vault for a certain pole. Especially going SLOWER to time up on a certain pole. Do everything as fast and hard as you can, and adjust the pole after that.