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Last meet videos, any help?

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 3:06 am
by AvariceDemons
Heres the videos from the last meet I jumped in. Old PR was 14'3.25", ended up jumpin 14'5.25" and almost more. Tell me what you think. Also not the best camera angles, sorry. First 2 vids are quicktime, last one is in youtube, I couldnt get it to work in my webspace some reason.

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 11:36 am
by lonestar
    Posture: stay taller in your run, you're slumping a little bit. Think "chest up, hips forward, knees up. That will help set up a better takeoff, even if you don't feel as fast running that way.

    Pole carry: keep your left elbow lower than your left wrist, left wrist cocked upwards. Keep it there throughout your pole drop, and don't allow the left wrist to drop below your ribcage. Go to and look at videos of Svetlana Feofanova - focus on her pole drop and left arm position throughout the drop and plant. Your hands get really low as you're dropping the pole. Think of the left hand as a pivot point in front of your chest, like the center post on a see-saw.

    Pole drop: pretty static carry. Start with your pole higher and work on a fluid drop through the run and plant where the tip is nearly constantly moving. Again, watch videos of Feofanova and Isinbayeva for reference.

    Takeoff: the four p's "posture, pole carry, pole drop, and plant" have caused you to take a long last stride and UNDER. See how much the pole is bent while you're still on the ground. Good knee drive, active "pushing" trail leg action, reverse "C", and chest drive into the pole. Your head is in the box. Try to look up at your bottom hand and jump a little more upwards.

    Swing: you tuck that trail leg up and lose pushoff distance as a result. Keep that trail leg long and get your hips to your hands with minimal hip-break.

    Top end: stay closer to the pole

    All in all - a good start with a lot of room for improvement, which means you can jump a lot higher. Good luck

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 7:42 pm
by vault3rb0y
I see two main things.

-Your take off is under, because your last 2 steps you reach out. I do the same thing, but do some pole runs and make your last 2 steps noticeably shorter, and it will actually make you more explosive on your take off and your take off will be on. You are only under by about 6"-1', which is very correctable if you dont overstride your last two steps.

-you swing well, but after your swing travels under your body, you break your trail leg. Hitting a stronger take off will help you keep it straight, but do some rings and pop ups and keep your trail leg straight your entire vault. Its making you tuck and shoot a bit. Dont do that, and you will jump really high. You still look really good, nice jumps!