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critiqueage please

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:01 pm
by MillerTime

last year i could clear above my handgrip, now i cant, obviousally in this video, i dont even get close. my camera is my coach but its not a very good one and i could use some help =). i think its my plant, and i get off the pole too early at the top, but i would like some others' thoughts.

and any suggestions on where i should hold on the pole? lower/higher/same???

its a 14' 135, i weigh 134-135. my handgrip is about a foot and a half from the top.


Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:13 pm
by MillerTime
anyone? i have a big meet tomarrow, if anyone could give me any suggestions/advice before that, that woulod be awesome

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 9:15 am
by newPVer
it it harder at take off with your bottom arm to get some more speed in the jump, and when you do hit it, you may need to go up poles. but you can also prob hold higher if you hit it harder.. good luck

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 1:37 pm
by vault3rb0y
You could use some work on your take off at this point. Notice in the video, as soon as you leave the ground, your drive knee isnt really DRIVING, its just a knee :P. Concentrate on hitting your take off harder and bringing your knee up to where your thigh would be about parallel with the ground. You should not grip any higher, because you arent getting much of anything push-wise on top right now, its just going to be dangerous and wont help you go higher. As for the push-off, dont worry about that right now. A strong push off starts at the back of the runway. By that, i mean you need to be doing everything rightbefore you are inverted and trying to push, before you will get any push on top. Focus on that take off and you will find everything after that seems easier as well.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2007 7:54 pm
by MillerTime
thanks guys. i stopped collasping my arm today and BOOM, great form, and i was gettin nice pop off the pole. I held up 2 hands as well. got 10, 10'6, 11, 11'6 all on first try, and was way over. on my first jump, the guy running the pole vault said "that jump was perfect, i could teach vaulters using that jump." then i ran the 200, came back and missed all 3 attempts at 12 =/. im going to try to get a new video so you guys can critique me when i dont collaspe my arm.