A new beginning with the same problems

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A new beginning with the same problems

Unread postby crayford » Sat Jan 15, 2011 11:04 pm

howdy howdy howdy

been a long off season and an even longer time since the last post I made, but here it goes.

First meet of the season: WOO!

Vaulting @ Saline Middle School; no spikes allowed and a short runway, so I ran from 6 lefts

Pole: 14' 160lbs Spirit, holding @ 13'

Approach: 6 lefts, 81' start, 12' takeoff

Me: 5'10'' Just recovered from a staff infection, hadn't lifted weights in 4 weeks, I weighed 160 lbs


Second Meet:

Vaulting @ GVSU; spikes allowed, long, board, mondo runway (awesome, but I've never vaulted above 11'6'' here)

Poles: 14' 160 spirit as described above
14' 165 spirit, holding in a range from 13'2'' to 13'4''

Approach: 7 lefts, 94' start, 48' 4th left, 12' takeoff

Me: 5'10'' got back in the gym for the 2 weeks prior to today; I weigh 155-157




I think many of my problems are a continuation of before; I'm not hitting the pole, swinging with a straight leg, keeping my drive knee up through the swing, or extending off the top of my pole. Also, the whole run shifting thing when I get on the larger pole (stupid mental blocks plagued me last indoor season, NOT AGAIN!)

Anyways, any help is appreciated; thanks!
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Re: A new beginning with the same problems

Unread postby flyinjatt » Sun Jan 16, 2011 4:58 pm

Well, I am no expert but from what I have learned through experience I would say that first off you have a great run. Slow to fast and aggressive, when you have a good take off.

First off I would say that you are passive on some of your jumps with your left arm you can work on punching up with it more allowing for better penetration and jumping up more into your arms as well looks as if your going more horizontal than vertical with your take off.
Next, yes you are losing your drive knee right after you take off as well as tucking with your trail leg, think of the swing as a stretch shortening reflex your leg and hips are stretched as you take off and the swing is the reaction, the shortening, and that can take you so far as a vautler you have to continue that swing to the top of the pole. That is done by keeping pressure on the pole as you row through with your arms and actively break that left arm to allow your hips to continue to move up.
Something that can help with that is doing lots of short plants with a straight pole, working on swinging to the top of the pole and then past it.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-oUADXLvJNg (of course he is a one in a billion)
when you watch Bubka do the drill you can see the left arm break to the inside of the pole something you should work on because if it stays to the outside it blocks one side of the body causing you to do a helicopter in the air.

As it goes for a run shift when you get onto bigger poles nothing should change when you go up a pole everything should remain exactly the same other than adjusting your step, if your changing grip height.

P.S. personal opinion, (listen to what your coach says) but I feel as if when you come in at low heights for the skill level you show you look as if your tired by the higher heights. Also, coming in at a low height for a young vaulter obviously is a big confidence boost but i feel as if builds bad habits. Such as not completing the vault.
Finally, a possible reason for you not getting enough penetration or landing short in some of your vaults could be that after take off you are shortening the levers (pulling up with your arms and shortening them). When that happens it causes the pole to stop moving to vertical. You want to be long with your arms and leg, longer levers makes it easier to transition the pole to vertical. Think of it as a ball on a string, it swings smoothly and quickly when you don't pull on the string but soon as you shorten that string it throws off the ball. Thats the same thing for the vault you want to be long quick and smooth.

That is my thoughts, but its just input talk with your coach about it and listen to what he says because everyone has a different style and view on the vault.
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Re: A new beginning with the same problems

Unread postby crayford » Mon Jan 17, 2011 7:17 pm

'nother meet today; focused on getting onto the 165 without hesitation, and getting a good takeoff.


Started on the 14' 160, didn't work too well so I jumped up to the 165; no run shift this time!

The main problem seems to be with my swing into inversion; being that I have a non-existent one.

Please help!
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Re: A new beginning with the same problems

Unread postby xjoeyx » Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:40 pm

That link will work to his latest meet.

On your approach it seems like you almost slow down in the middle and then try to pick it back up right before the end. Try to do more of an all out sprint, and I would say keep your run to 6 for right now. Don't worry about getting on to the big poles! Just worry about doing everything right first before you move up :yes:

The problem with your swing to inversion is that it's more of a tuck. Especially in the newer video it seems to me more like you tuck and shoot. Try getting on the highbar and just doing swing drills, focus on getting that straight trail leg and swing as hard as you can. The tuck itself starts at takeoff also, you start to pick up your trail leg from the point you're off the ground, so work on keeping a straight leg at takeoff too, both of these will help. The only other thing I can spot is that in some of the jumps it looks like you're sitting on the pole some. I use to have this problem and once i started working more on swinging through the entire jump, the problem started going away. If you're on the right pole doing the right things, you won't have any time to sit or do anything other than what you're supposed to ;)

You're jumps look good. Honestly once you work on your run and takeoff, the swing will be a little easier. You can open up at higher heights once you start building up you're confidence. In this last video it looked like you could've almost hopped off the top of the pole over your opening height, despite not finishing the vault. You're going to be getting awesome heights soon. :yes:
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Re: A new beginning with the same problems

Unread postby crayford » Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:34 am

Well, I would have some "awesome heights" for you guys, but for the last two meets I've no-heighted.

Last saturday I came in at 11' using my 7 left on the 165 and my step was inside on all 3 jumps... If you'll even call them jumps, more like rippings off the ground followed by pathetic attempts to get over the bar.

Last wednesday I tried to come in at 10'6" using my 6 left on the 160; i was inside on the first 2, but I had a free take-off on the last one just... something weird happened and everything after takeoff went to poop.

I'll try to post vids on here tomorrow; and this time get the correct link :o
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Re: A new beginning with the same problems

Unread postby crayford » Sat Jan 29, 2011 4:27 pm

so i'm typing this now, while the video is processing on youtube, so hopefully the link will be complete by the time i'm done.

The video editor I'm using has now decided to not add words where i want words to be added, some dumb scripting issue, so I have to write it all out here.

First three jumps:
holding 13' on the 165, 7 lefts, not a good turnout.

Second three jumps:
holding 13' on the 160, 6 lefts, NOT A GOOD TURNOUT.

I know it's probably a collection of little things, but i am straight up sick of no height-ing/not doing well during the indoor season.

again, any commentary is helpful.


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Re: A new beginning with the same problems

Unread postby crayford » Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:07 pm

Howdy howdy

vaulted at U of M last friday, no meets this week.

SO here is the film;

7 left from just outside 90'
free-takeoff should be around 11'6"-12'
Vaulting on the 14' 160 lbs. pole, gripping at 13'
Standards started at 30, then moved in gradually to 26.

Ignore the last height attempts; I was slow on the first one, took off way too far out on the second, and second guessed myself two or three steps out, which caused me to stride out, and takeoff under.

I think I'm starting to understand the whole concept of this technique, tho. For some reason I thought that if I pushed up with both of my hands I had to be taking off under (imagine a weight lifter doing an overhead press just a hair's breadth away from the top of the lift; I thought this would be what I've been reading/told about would feel like). SO when I focused on pressing up with both hands upon takeoff I would stride out on my last two steps, which pushed me inside. Now I'm thinking more about just getting my takeoff foot down, jumping, and then letting everything else just... happen. Pushing up with both hands, I'm guessing, should happen immediately after my foot is on the ground, but really doesn't have an effect on the vault until after the foot is off the ground (with a free takeoff, of course), which makes this a completely unique sensation that I need to learn. The feeling of this I am unaccustomed to, but more than willing to practice if it'll help me get over that darn 13' bar again.

Also, what do you guys/girls recommend for lower ab exercises? I can do swing ups, leg lifts, etc. just fine, but when I get to the ab roller they get decimated; what do you recommend as an intermediate workout?

So I guess this is adieu until next time.

P.S: suddenly my video editor is working again. Ain't technology grand?
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Re: A new beginning with the same problems

Unread postby xjoeyx » Tue Feb 08, 2011 2:25 am

Well, it's good that you didn't open at a much lower height this time, I felt like there was enough in the tank for you to make 12 while watching the video. You lower the pole and plant right before you jump, and I feel like that's messing you up. Try to do walking plants from however many lefts you go from during a meet. Work on lowering the pole once you reach your mid (for 7 it would be your 4th L) and getting to the plant in your last 3 steps (L-R-L). You're still taking off under, the first 2 attempts at 12' and the clearance at 11'6", your takeoff was significantly better, but you need to focus on making sure you have a drive knee and try to reach the backwards "C", rather than just letting the pole take you along for the ride. You're still tucking on the swing as well, but it has improved definitely :yes:

Do you always try to do a double leg swing? If so, then that's fine just make sure you aren't tucking and really swinging. If not, then it might be a result of your takeoff, but you need to make sure you really hit that takeoff and keep your drive knee, rather than just hitting it some at takeoff then dropping it. It requires much less effort to keep that leg in the drive knee position then extend later than it is to drive, then drop and swing. :idea:

Your run is looking much better though! You're starting to get it for sure :yes:
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Re: A new beginning with the same problems

Unread postby crayford » Fri Feb 25, 2011 4:29 pm


So I no heighted on the last meet, and did not qualify for states.

So rather than show you some more awesome no height footage, I'm going to show you my 4 left!

I've been working on my 3 left for the past 3 days, moved back to a 4 left yesterday and possibly up to a 5 left today. Focusing on: hand pressure at takeoff, inverting, and piking after release.

Bar is at 11', grip is at 12'2" on a 13'7" 155 spirit. 4 left approach starts at 50'.

In this Vid I am a bit under, and don't fully invert, but it was my best vault of the day (and the only one recorded).

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