Re-extension of the plant
Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:11 am
To me it makes clear sense that the arms (Bottom mostly) should be pushed up and away from the swing foot in the natural direction ( Not adjacent) the pole is moving and bending? The pole and the vaulter are both bent and strained while in this position, into two parallel arcs. Does not the upward and forward pressure of both hands (The bottom primarily) coming out of penetration have the benefit of maintaining constant strain along the full length of the pole and the vaulters body (Both arcs)? Would not this continuous strain have the benefit of increasing the speed and torque of the whip across what I term the full body coil as it is moving away from the swing foot and maintaining constant pressure across that arc? Does not this effort also increase and maintain the bend of the pole and its forward progress of rotation? Most here agree that staying behind the pole is an important objective and it certainly accomplishes that! It also creates a longer lever in the process as the vaulter is moved yet further from his hand grip and at the same time lowers the center of gravity (like a weight on a string) as the stretched heel is pressed toward the box. This creates even more pressure and bend on the pole and is "The BLOCK" of the vault and conclusion of the downswing TAP, resulting in a very powerful upswing.
I only just chose to call this the Re-extension of the plant because if you freeze at :09, you will see the position is very similar to the plant position, except the bottom hand is higher as he is hanging on the bent pole.
I only just chose to call this the Re-extension of the plant because if you freeze at :09, you will see the position is very similar to the plant position, except the bottom hand is higher as he is hanging on the bent pole.