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Optomizing penetration

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 5:04 pm
by PVGuy89
What are ideal things to try to do when trying to optimize penetration?

Plant tall and early, free take off, Drive, high COM, stay long, push up with both hands, swing long.

shoulder flexibility?
Strong explosive rowing motion to move the pole in mid air?
Stay normal to the ground as long as possible (during the drive phase)?
Keeping the pole straight with the body and the box as long as possible before it bends to the side?

Is it best to think of it as trying to get ur chest as close to the pit as possible then letting the pole follow?

Some input would be nice.


Re: Optomizing penetration

Posted: Sat May 12, 2012 9:33 pm
by botakatobi
Run fast!