The Swing

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Do you like to swing?

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Re: The Swing

Postby volteur » Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:14 am

yes i coach her Alan but she was developed by NZ Vaulter which is why i didn't claim anything. What am i asking Mark though, you didn't really specify.

anyway what do you think about the swing - to do or not to do? And your reasoning would be good to read as well. I'm always looking to learn if i'm not in a position to teach.

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Re: The Swing

Postby volteur » Wed Nov 26, 2008 5:41 am

I'm going to post again to get this thread back onto actual pole vaulting instead of beginning, as you call it ' an ego pissing contest' between you and me now.

The relevant bit re: the swing relates to NZ Vaulter and the 3.95m girl Kerry Charlesworth whom he developed from 2.70 to 3.95 in about 8 months. Now i am coaching NZ vaulter himself for the vault and as a 27 year old ex elite gymnast can probably jump high as soon as we negotiate around his previously career ending injuries.

The back uprise action mentioned before is the key to seeing the elimination of the need for the swing. Bubka is doing it as he vaults.

I've alerted NZ Vaulter to this action and he has been practicing it in training. Anyway today as i was taking the development high jumpers he called out to me from the nearby high bar and said 'Pete check this out i think i've got it. Sure enough he had. Then Kerry arrived and i asked her to go and watch NZ vaulter and attempt to do the same. Again, as before in training she almost got the action but not quite. I was missing some cue which prevented her from completing the action. Anyway NZ Vaulter said to her 'pike the hips back as you do it'. Bingo! She has suddenly got it. So i said 'ah ha there you go, two sets of eyes are better than one'

Kerry is lucky, her extreme talent is being backed up by two coaches who both have a developed eye for technique.

The back uprise - to pull and invert - to shoot and handstand. The key to eliminating the inefficient swing action.

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Re: The Swing

Postby altius » Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:49 pm

Try reading BTB. The importance of the swing is emphasized there. If you accept the notion that vaulting on a flexible pole is like vaulting on an infinite series of straight poles then it is obvious that the swing is as important to flexible pole vaulters as it clearly was to stiff poles.

Peter, you really are like a little boy who throws stones through old folks windows and runs away. When caught, your response is 'who me'?

You accused me of intellectual dishonesty and big noting myself. The first - lying - would get you shot out of hand in many states in the US. Then you are not prepared to contact a person -Mark Stewart - who could give an honest objective response to your claim of me big noting myself.

Folk might like to consider the fact that you are 'coaching by association' a girl who jumped 3.95 before you ever met her! What does her real coach think about that? Is this a case of 'little big noting' or a version of the truism "Victory has a thousand fathers but defeat is an orphan?

In relation to your claim that I bignote myself, folk might like to consider the following.
1. In 1994 Jimmy Miller came to train with with for a few months. He came to Formia with me, travelled to the Commonwealth games with me in Victoria, Canada - jumped what I think was a pb of 5.60 and then finished with a bronze medal. Now you will never find anywhere that I claimed to coach Jimmy - certainly not in either version of BTB - because I was only filling in for his real coach Steve Rippon.
2. When Alex Parnov moved to Perth in October 1998, Victor Chystiakov stayed in Adelaide to work with me -in part because there was no one else. A week or so after arriving in Europe in May 99 Victor jumped a pr of 5.90 in Salamanca. Again you will never find me claiming to have coached Victor - there are not even any photos of him in the book.
3. Ditto Tatiana Grigorieva who also jumped a pr in Salamanca. You will never find me claiming to coach her either.

Given your willingness to take credit for the performances of a 14 year old girl you can only have had a peripheral impact on, I suspect YOU would not have let the opportunity to associate your self with athletes of the quality mentioned above pass you by!

Enjoy. In a couple of weeks I am off on an around the world trip with clinics in Hawaii, San Antonio, Houston, San Luis Obispo, time at the Reno summit, skiing at Squaw Valley and in Lech in Austria, and Key note presenter at a conference on the teaching of games in the UK. Oh and I am stopping off in Aukland for dinner with my good friend Les Mills. Now there is some bignoting and bulldust for you!
Its what you learn after you know it all that counts. John Wooden

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Re: The Swing

Postby volteur » Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:27 pm

so it becomes an ego pissing contest if i battle you with my own ego, well i won't do that, i will just refute some of your untruths and try and not be too vicious about it in retaliation.

1. i don't think any will disagree that this forum is filled with you bignoting yourself, it really just goes on and on. For starters you could tell us - is the reason Roman is not posting anymore because you advised him not to?

2. Kerry's previous coach is coached by me and reads this forum and posts as NZ vaulter. Now why do you think both he and his former athlete are now coached by me. It has been about 5 weeks so far for her and 7 weeks for him. I claim nothing as we are still moving from 2 strides through 4 and just onto 6.

3.You might forget Jimmy Miller is one of my good mates, we trained under Steve Rippon in Perth for almost 3 years and following that he came to Melbourne and both lived with me and trained with me under Julian Shuravetsky. He didn't like training with you in Adelaide and that is why he left so quickly. Pity i can't remember how quickly, a few months you say.

4. Tatiana trained with Vasily Grishchenkov, former 17.55 Russian triple jumper after she left Parnov. Not sure how you fit into the picture. I will email him now to find out as we have become friends since i employed him at one of my schools earlier this year before i moved to Auckland.

so all this dishonesty aside Alan maybe you can put into print how you think the swing actually works. Your friend Roman seems to disagree with it and Petrov disagrees with it so you can't really use either of those two experts to back you up.

maybe you could also refute my assertion that the back uprise action is not relevant to pole vaulting and actually replaces the need for a swing. After all what is important to others is understanding vaulting better and not how good you are or anything like that.

PS i am not going to email Mark Stewart and bother him with this tripe, Feel free to do so yourself as it is you who brought his name up.

PPS i would ask you to stop by the Millennium Institute and check out what we are doing here but i have no good feeling towards you at the moment so i simply can't

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Re: The Swing

Postby rainbowgirl28 » Thu Nov 27, 2008 1:40 am

Both of you knock it off, especially Volteur. You can have your pissing match via PM, this thread is taking a break.

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