Unread postby lonestar » Tue Jun 24, 2008 3:00 pm
Ok, I'm going to state the obvious...
The "model" is being communicated differently by different people.
I've spent time with Alan, David Butler, Elson DeSouza of Brazil, Petrov, and email correspondence with Roman...
Unless I've misinterpreted them or something has been lost in translation, everyone advocates a high plant (plant meaning extension of arms BEFORE the pole hits the back of the box). Here are the differences that I PERSONALLY have inferred from each authority:
Alan: disengaged left arm - not pushing on the left arm, but planting high and allowing the hands to be pulled backwards over the head to create stretch-reflex in the shoulders and swing. No mention of pulling on the bottom hand. Advocates shortening the radius of the swing by breaking at the hips into the L-positionto to increase rotational velocity and work ahead of the pole.
David: strong left arm up into the pole that leads into "elastic shoulders" to create stretch reflex with left elbow pointing out, and then as the swing leg meets the chord of the pole, an aggressive pushing move up into the pole with the left hand which dynamically rotates the hips upwards and shoulders backwards. Up pressure maintained on the pole with no pulling at any point.
Elson: much like David
Petrov: "The Devil's Advocate." Very much a user of the Socratic Method. Very simplistic in explanation, and lets you draw your own inferences. Have never explicity heard him say push or pull or break at the hips or swing straight. I have seen him demonstrate a firm left arm upwards in explaining the plant - it looks like a push, but again, that's an interpretation.
Now Roman (aka Agapit): Free takeoff (pretty universal to all parties mentioned). High plant (again universal). Aggressive straight trail-leg swing (universal). Pull on the left arm at initiation of swing (only spoken of by Roman), straight body swing with no break at hips (only mentioned by Alan who stresses the opposite, breaking at hips to increase rotational inertia).
THIS IS MY INTERPRETATION of what these highly respected authorities of "The Model" have communicated. In large part, they are all on the same page. There are a few key differences though:
1) Left arm action (pull or push) once the pole hits the box
2) Chest penetration (elastic shoulders/disengaged left arm vs no visible attempt to lead with chest or let top hand stretch behind head/torso)
3) To break or not to break (at the hips)
I invite each of these authorities to explain their position on these issues and clarify for us. Actually, Agapit already has. I doubt Petrov reads PVP or would ever want to. Elson probably doesn't read PVP either and might not want to try to communicate in English. That leaves Coach Butler and Alan. Of course, I'm sure they would rather explain in person at one of their camps!
Any scientist who can't explain to an eight-year-old what he is doing is a charlatan. K Vonnegut