Taking off out...now what?

This is a forum to discuss advanced pole vaulting techniques. If you are in high school you should probably not be posting or replying to topics here, but do read and learn.
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Unread postby dj » Tue Apr 03, 2007 11:15 pm

correction to line 7

if a runner/vaulter strikes the ground in front of the bodies mass

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Unread postby VTechVaulter » Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:30 pm

dj wrote:correction to line 7

if a runner/vaulter strikes the ground in front of the bodies mass


no i agree. i like your chart a lot. but like you said, i just dont think it should be the end all be all. but i do think its a great reference
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Unread postby altius » Fri Apr 06, 2007 3:54 am

"if a runner/vaulter strikes the ground in from of the bodies mass or "ball of the foot in front of the knee" they will have more ground time, lower/slower speed."

You need to think about that statement very carefully and then have a look at Bubka et al on the run way and at take off. :idea: :yes:
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Unread postby dj » Fri Apr 06, 2007 8:26 am

good morning

describe what your seeing and saying allan..

the point i was hoping to make was.. we should hope to have the foot strike as near to underneath the body at the point of application of force as possible...

sometimes film can be decieving.. we need to not only look at the position but the time (speed) that the athlete "went through that position"..

for example we used to look at film and think there was a "rockback" in vaulting... we even created a "POPUP" drill that took the vaulter to that position and stop... one knee cocked the other extended.. many vaulters didn't learn the continous chain and rhythm of the vault and didn't finish most of there vaults...

we should "attempt" to strike the runway under the body's mass... if the strike is slightly askew the speed (and power) we strike will determine the overall result...

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Unread postby altius » Fri Apr 06, 2007 2:26 pm

Well good morning to you old son! We can discuss this in detail when we meet up in Columbia in a few weeks. But just a couple of things to be going on with.

These here darned new fangled computers allow you to chop every bit of film up every whichway and my eyes are telling me that for the greater part of Bubka's run, his foot strikes the ground ahead of - not under - the centre of mass. The clincher for me is the stride into take off where he - along with every other decent vaulter - has his take off foot strike near enough beneath his bottom hand - this is certainly ahead of the COM. And this is at a point where he would want to - and of course did - minimise ground contact time. The key is the direction the foot is moving when it strikes the ground - it has to be an active landing -what we have termed a claw strike. it is certainly what Petrov teaches. :yes:

We have been around this topic before on PVP so I am not going to revisit it again in detail. But you asked me what I saw so I have responded as succinctly as I can mate!
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Unread postby dj » Sat Apr 07, 2007 8:25 am

good morning

and you have said it well...

the mental pictures we have may be slightly different but hopefully produce the desired result...

and of course did - minimise ground contact time. The key is the direction the foot is moving when it strikes the ground - it has to be an active landing

off to the florida relays...

have a great day..

Come out of the back... Get your feet down... Plant big

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