WORST Vault Article I think I have EVER SEEN

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Unread postby JumpinSkiing » Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:25 am

robillard wrote:wow i am really sorry for you JumpinSkiing. i especialy feelople down here in florida with no coach at all. ive actually woudnu p teaching kids how to plant and swing during a meet cause they were goin to hurt themselves. i mentioned this before in another thread but the worst ive seen is a guy jumping under a 7 ft bar let me repeat UNDER without touching the bar at all, he actually ducked a little to avoid knocking it off adn threw his pole away from him to keep from knocking the bar off. and its not like this happened once either. he repeatedly did this until he scratched out and the other kid from his team did the same exact thing except he hung on to the pole. my fear is that kids like this are going to read this article and kill themselves trying this stuff. we really need to make it a USATF rule that in order to vault you need to either be certified, like give them a test to make sure they know wat their doing, or have a coach that is certified or something or else a lot of people are going to get injured from stuff like this.

Yeah, good thing I can go down and get some real coaching from Vaultngus every once in awhile. This forum has also helped me a lot. My coach is an old guy who grew up on steel poles, he loves the sport so much and really is a great guy, but he just doesn't really know specifics about vaulting, at all really.

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Unread postby vault3rb0y » Sun Oct 22, 2006 10:51 pm

Get the school to buy him a computer for x-mas and tell him to get his butt on here to learn some stuff :P.
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Re: WORST Vault Article I think I have EVER SEEN

Unread postby saraf » Mon Oct 23, 2006 3:01 pm

CLCPV04 wrote:http://www.texastrack.com/pole_vaulting_article.htm

Nice Excerpts include:

"The objective is to bend the pole past 90 degrees (top of pole must be at least horizontal with the runway with both hands at least level with the runway while you are still on the ground.) The longer the pole the easier this becomes so don’t expect this too soon especially with short poles."


"The jumper must let the pole do most of the work, so bend it and let it throw you over the bar. The bigger the pole the more throw you will get at the top. The ideal position of the hands at your plant should have their front hand higher than their back hand. This can only be accomplished when they bend the pole over 90 degrees."

"[How does the vaulter bend the pole?]They simply keep the pole away from them as they run under the pole while planting. "

thats funny. This is the article I learned from all through high school. It was my torah of pole vault. I only learned it was wrong when I got to college. and is it really even that wrong when u think about it!! :yes:

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Unread postby altius » Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:27 pm

"is it really even that wrong when u think about it!!". :eek: :crying: :mad: :no: :confused:
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Unread postby saraf » Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:43 pm

altius wrote:"is it really even that wrong when u think about it!!". :eek: :crying: :mad: :no: :confused:

it was a joke im sorry

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Unread postby altius » Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:01 pm

"It was a joke im sorry".

OK saraf - but for trying to be clever - for your homework I would like you to put up a post explaining exactly why THAT approach to pole vaulting dangerous!

You will find it an interesting exercise - as will any anyone else who would like to take it on. :idea: :yes:
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Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:54 pm



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Re: WORST Vault Article I think I have EVER SEEN

Unread postby saraf » Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:57 pm

CLCPV04 wrote:http://www.texastrack.com/pole_vaulting_article.htm

Nice Excerpts include:

"The objective is to bend the pole past 90 degrees (top of pole must be at least horizontal with the runway with both hands at least level with the runway while you are still on the ground.) The longer the pole the easier this becomes so don’t expect this too soon especially with short poles."


"The jumper must let the pole do most of the work, so bend it and let it throw you over the bar. The bigger the pole the more throw you will get at the top. The ideal position of the hands at your plant should have their front hand higher than their back hand. This can only be accomplished when they bend the pole over 90 degrees."

"[How does the vaulter bend the pole?]They simply keep the pole away from them as they run under the pole while planting. "

Now with out a doubt I am getting over my head and I am going to make an a** out of my self. With that said.

"The objective is to bend the pole past 90 degrees"

Well the real objective of pole vaulting is getting over the cross bar and having it still be there when the official raises the white flag. BUT in fact the pole does bend more then 90 degrees (at least in most/all of my jumps www.fliptography.com/adam)

"The longer the pole the easier this becomes so don’t expect this too soon especially with short poles."
This little quote doesn't really have too much information but the length is kind of independent of how stiff a pole is. It is the flex. When the author was writing this he probably meant that the vaulter has more leverage on the pole. That is just a guess. Besides the point the high you hold the closer you are to the cross bar. If you can high then you don't have to push off near the amount.

"The jumper must let the pole do most of the work, so bend it and let it throw you over the bar."

Honestly, when I have a good jump thats exactly what I feel like happens. I run, jump and hold on for dear life. Once I let go of the pole I watch the cross bar and hope that it doesn't touch me. I know this isn't exactly true because when i work on technique with my amazing coach (lon), he tells me to do things and I do them while jumping.

"The bigger the pole the more throw you will get at the top."

Well. I know from my small amount of experence that when i get on a pole that is too big for me i go very high, then I end up landing in the box or on the front buns. Looking on the other side of the scale. when I am on a pole that is too small, I generally land in the very far back of the pit, occasionally falling off the pit and injuring my acromial clavicular joint. (when are they going to make those mats bigger!!) but my little side tracked story doesn't exactly refer directly to the quote. According to Brian Mondishine (i think), people stiff poled with simular push offs then with bending the pole. Besides, at reno I believe a speaker said that the pole does not "throw" you. I honestly do not know how that all works, I just benifit from it.

"The ideal position of the hands at your plant should have their front hand higher than their back hand. This can only be accomplished when they bend the pole over 90 degrees."

Depending what you call the "plant" makes this statement a little strage. I call the plant the final lowering of the pole. If your back hand is lower than your front hand then the pole tip would not make it into the box. If you called the plant when you are "driving" into the pole or what ever you would call it then it would make sense, the author is just repeting what he said in the first sentence.

"[How does the vaulter bend the pole?]They simply keep the pole away from them as they run under the pole while planting. "

My roommate Branon Banda is a prime example of this. The first time I saw him jump, he jumped 16'6" from 8 steps(4 lefts). He simply ran into the pole, literaly. Then the pole bent and he continued his attempt. This went on out whole practice and I was amazed. Personally I try to jump up at the plant, it is usually not that successful but in the case of my roomate, a 17' jumper it works.

By far that was my longest post. It may not make sense but I tried my hardest to do my homework for pole vault and skip out on ten minutes of my school homework, just for Alan!! Hopefully I get a good grade on this homework because my homework grades in my other classes aren't too hot. I honestly hope I helped some one or did somthing positive with this long post.

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Unread postby rainbowgirl28 » Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:59 pm

Hey Adam, your spelling is getting better. They must be teaching you something out there in Arkansas :P

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Unread postby ebvaulter » Mon Oct 23, 2006 11:00 pm

You are a genious! Truly the Motzart of the pole vault ;)

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Unread postby baggettpv » Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:24 am

Teaching term for analysing (sp) incorrect data. Resulting in a synthesis (cognitive) of known facts and results of the incorrect facts.
Simply put it's like finding the differences in 2 similar pictures in the Sunday comics.

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Unread postby banda_b_c » Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:37 am

Yeah... just me but maybe you could dumb that last one up a bit for all of us less big wordy guys... kinda lost...
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