I know Miss Vault girl, coaches forum right.....Still got poles to trade at reno?I was just follow these silly boys discussion.....AND So, just like that super smart PV JUNKIE dude said.
Not only will his suggestion get ya taller and you'll gain leverage benefits, its the only way your gonna set yourself up to drive that tall torso and chest under the bottom hand. This implies hips under you,not in front at all, trail leg slightly bent stayin behind helpin the hips stay back.
Lookin up thru the bottom hand at take off (NO JUMPING) helps make the chest lead too. If you hit it so your tall and quick, lookin up threw bottom hand as you drive chest under bottom arm, while hips stay vertically inline, with a trail leg...the real benefit I seen of PETROV approach over mash an tuck comes next..is you not only put more/continued enery into rollin the pole over, but your gonna load it more, for longer too.....because you do a fast , hard tap with that trail leg such that that slightly bent trail is now whipped from slightly bent to straight and locked, toes pointed cause you just flung a bunch of energy through that tap/leg pointed/directed right down at the box.
when that tap is done, that trail leg is extended, toes pointed and you can draw a 45 deree line from the back of the box right, through your trail leg thru your hips, torso, shoulder plant arm to the grip point and thats a perfetly straight line at 45 degrees, not 60 degrees and not 30.
That tap loads the pole more and roles it over more, and even better still you'll be rocked back/rotated so fast you wont believe it.
Oh two other "don't mess this up" points. 1. pivot that rockback, energized by that tap from the hips not shoulders, hips. Its not a long swing its a fast hard rotation. the tap done right will load the pole as good as any slow long swing and more importantly keep ya with/behind the pole allowing for better feel for timing from there. 2. That tap rocks ya back until hips are above shoulders, or you are at a leverage disadvantage from thereif your hips are not above shoulders So rockback until shouldersabove hips (that parts like tuck i suppose) then Extend and stay with the pole. Oh last Petrov technical model thought from me now... Do NOT ROW. Keep that plant hand at your ear don't bring it fwd during tap and rockback if you do you'l slip out in front of the pole where you dont want to be during this phase. Once at proper rockback position, drop your sholders and youll rotate under your hips and presto! your inverted, married to that pole fully extended, plant hand glued to hips, then as you wait, you can start creeping up the pole via plant hand moving ffom hip against body cramming it up close to pecs, then thats the get off push start
thats it. Im a 3 1/2 year PETROV coaching rookie, but I have smart friends. I feel pretty solid about what I was mumbling there.
Oh the best part of that pole loading/rollover benefit...Its worth about 4 hand holds and 10 lbs of pole just to keep ya off the back of the pits and giving ya a chance with stds at 80, not 200.
Wow Tim were gonna have fun bench racing at reno. Never new you were not a Petrov technical model guy.
See ya Reno. Hey I have a couple ucs poles I could bring from home as back up for you. A 14-175, 14-180,15-170> I'll bring them.
see ya
PS Between you two smart guys and some rambling of mine above. Any athletic HS kid could take your guys AAA stuff on free run up, pole carry and pole drop timing and mechanics, and all he would need would be some good running mechanics on foot strike, quick pull thru with flex foot over opposite knee , little stride stuff and that would give ya guarenteed 15 foot HS vaulter.Heck with 11.5-12.0 speed.
If they just would be smart enough to "know what they don't know" and keep the non-PETROV guys away with the brutte force , big swing participants
Trying the Petrov Thing
- OUvaulterUSAF
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- Location: Denver, CO
Since I transitioned to the Petrov thing with the huge straight leg whip. I've had to grip lower on poles else I would blow them out. And I can get on poles from a shorter approach where before I had to go back two strides. So I definitely agree with the above statement.
Da whip is where it's at!
Da whip is where it's at!
wo xi huan cheng gan tiao.
- Tim McMichael
- PV Master
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- Joined: Mon Apr 03, 2006 3:36 pm
- Expertise: Current college and private coach. Former elite vaulter.
I have always thought that the hips should be more under than in front of the shoulders right after takeoff. That is why I keep my chin down at that instant and then let it rise to a neutral position as I swing. The more forward my head is at takeoff the further my trail leg comes back and the more my hips stay beneath me. I also believe that the eyes should line up with the attack angle, and mine is going to be lower than most.
What I am really working on in this video is dropping the pole in and turning my hands over and pushing them up earlier so that the pole is completely weightless during the plant. This is letting me be a lot taller and is making my hips lighter at takeoff. This lets me swing earlier and with less tuck than I used to need.
I am trying to be wise in not completely overhauling a jump that has worked so well for me for so many years. Especially in just a few weeks. There are going to be some things I can't and shouldn't try to change.
What I am really working on in this video is dropping the pole in and turning my hands over and pushing them up earlier so that the pole is completely weightless during the plant. This is letting me be a lot taller and is making my hips lighter at takeoff. This lets me swing earlier and with less tuck than I used to need.
I am trying to be wise in not completely overhauling a jump that has worked so well for me for so many years. Especially in just a few weeks. There are going to be some things I can't and shouldn't try to change.
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