Why not use a 25 foot pole?

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Re: Why not use a 25 foot pole?

Unread postby VaultPurple » Sun Jul 27, 2008 12:22 pm

the answer is simple... magical poles!!!!!!!

we need a pole that when you plant it is about a 50lb pole, but once it is compleatly bent it is now a 300lb pole and rockets you up!
then we could use 25' poles and pole vault well beyond 30 feet.

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Re: Why not use a 25 foot pole?

Unread postby AeroVault » Mon Jul 28, 2008 3:15 pm

Hahaha, love that video, Kirk. And you're probably right, the three steps are not really necessary since you can accomplish all of the "pre-loading" with two. It would take a beast of an athlete to maintain body posture as the pole begins to pressure your top hand. I think that's the biggest challenge; maintaining that body angle while the pole chord angle moves to vertical. As for the poles...
the answer is simple... magical poles!!!!!!!
It's not magic, it's science:
New Polymers Engineered To Change Their Stiffness And Strength When Exposed To Liquids
Something like this may violate the "variable weight pole" rule, but would be fun to play around with.

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Re: Why not use a 25 foot pole?

Unread postby VaultPurple » Wed Jul 30, 2008 12:02 am

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