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underwater vaulting..

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 8:46 pm
by mcminkz05
ok, iv heard of something call like underwater vaulting. does anyone know what this is and how you might do it??

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 9:58 pm
by wayupthere
ya ive heard of this 2. someone respond because id really like to know waht it was also

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 10:16 pm
by zack
How I've done it is we take a pole and go to the deep end of the pool. Then you have someone sit on the diving board and hold it so that its straight and the butt plug end is on the bottom of the pool. Then you swim down, stand on the bottom of the pool and hold the pole like you normally would. Then you swing up, turn and push off. We did this in a pool where it was about 12' deep so if you do right your legs and maybe chest will come up out of the water when you push off. I think one of the Sky Systems videos shows it too.

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2003 10:23 pm
by vaultguru6
great lazy summer drill......first you need a 12' or 13' pole or piece of stiff PVC pipe or anything else resembling a pole. It doesn't need to bend. Next you need a pool about 8-12 feet deep. You go to the bottom of the pool and lie on your back on the bottom holding the pole on the left side of your body. Your buddy holds the pole above the surface at about an 80 degree angle back. When ready you start your swing from what would be horizontal to the ground in the regular vault. Keep your left arm broken to the inside of the pole and make sure your swing is nice and long. Do a rock back, drop your shoulders, turn on the pole, and come off in a pike. As you start your rock back underwater your buddy should move the pole from 70-80 degrees to 100-110 degrees to give you a little forward momentum. What makes the drill a ton more fun is to do your pike over a lane line. Teaches good bar awareness too. Good place to practice your volz in slow motion ;) . While this drill is super fun and way chill, it is one of the best drills for the top end of your vault. If you don't line up perfectly off the top of the pole you will get shot off to the side and come up short on the lane line. But once you get it down it will help a lot.

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 11:33 pm
by jhesch
i g2g soon but i work at a pool and have came up with some pretty good drills. IM me if u care to learn about em. jhesch

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:31 pm
by skycock
at south carolina, we perform this drill every wednesday...i found it to be helpful for muscle-memory, but you have to make sure you have a knowledgable coach watching you. its easy to screw up your form while being under water.

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2003 11:22 pm
by dorseygirl28
:) Underwater vaulting is something i learned at Don Hood's. It helps so much with the vault, it takes you through everything nice and slow, so you get everything down. Oh and its really good if you have someone tellin ya what your doin wrong. GREAT LAZY SUMMER DRILL ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2003 9:11 am
by batvaulter
for the best under watervaulting is at ugait helped me out alot i suggest that you go

underwater vaulting

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2003 12:08 am
by jhesch

my favorite drill is a variation of zack's; however, instead, i use a pole shorter than depth of pole, and attach floatation device (I used old lifeguard tube) to one end. it will float and provide support/resistance. play around with it! also, try usin a real short pole, maybe four feet. swim down w/ flotation device, emulate unbending of the pole, kick up, pull up pole, turn, push off, etc.

P.S. anyone going to balloon fiesta (biggest in the world!!) in albuquerque, NM? let me know, if so, if a guide or translator (spanish) is needed. i live here! lots of cool stuff to see!