Help with push off and fly away

This is a forum to discuss pole vault technique as it relates to intermediate level pole vaulting.
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Help with push off and fly away

Unread postby provaulter17 » Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:13 pm

does ne one know of ay special training i can do to perfect my push off and fly away? if so it wuld be great to hear! thanks!! :D
Cardiac Kid , got some bend!!

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Bruce Caldwell
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Here is a drill that helps you prepare

Unread postby Bruce Caldwell » Wed Mar 26, 2003 10:47 pm

Take a crossbar possibly one that is broken about 4-5 feet long
Set up two hurdles so you can adjust the height of the crossbar setting on the edge.
Place a gym mat down.

Set with your back to the crossbar that is setting on the edge of the hurdles. Roll backwards kip you hips in the air and on to your hands and push yourself over the bar, and then on to a standing position. Now this drill will only get you in shape to do the same thing on the pole, However you will need to perfect your technique in order to place yourself in the same position on the pole to execute the drill in the air.

It is a fun drill on days when you have to be inside to see who can clear the highest bar!
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Unread postby OUvaulterUSAF » Thu Mar 27, 2003 9:02 pm


Do you think this drill would help someone who sticks their chest out and arches their back when going over the bar?? That's probably my worst habit and reason for most of my misses.
wo xi huan cheng gan tiao.

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